Toss or Treasure? The Story of A Cheap Chair

I have had this old folding chair and desk set for years.  I can’t remember if it was a freebie or just a really cheap second-hand purchase, but the desk has made its rounds and has served as several different purposes over the years.  The chair was in my scrapbooking room, but I hated it and contemplated tossing it due to the large and ugly rip in the back.  I actually put duct taped on it. Can you believe it?  Anyway, I have been doing my summer purge and was about to toss it when it hit me ~ this would have to be the easiest re-upholstering project ever!

Cheap Folding Chair Upcycle

I am in the midst of tweaking my son’s room and because the matching desk is currently located in his room, I thought I would fix-up the chair to match.  This task was super easy (aside from having to find a staple gun that would load and fire 1/4″ staples) ~ thanks Chris!

I had the fabric from a previous project and it is perfect fit for my son’s room.  The back and seat of the chair unscrew and I just stapled the new fabric right over top of the old seat.  I removed the torn top piece because I knew it wouldn’t sit smoothly otherwise.  Check it out! Simple, $0 and looks way better don’t ya think?

Before and After Shots


Ugly black folding chair.

torn back

Duct tape? Really?

finished chair

The finished chair.