Skip the Ribbon! A Gift Wrapping Tutorial

skipping ropes for gift wrapping

In my last post, I challenged you to “think outside the box” and get your creative juices flowing. The task was to go thrifting (garage sale, thrift store or dollar store) and to give yourself the time to browse thinking: WRAP, RIBBON, EMBELLISH! The key to the experience was to not actually look for any of the above, but rather ponder what you see and imagine the items replacing what we traditionally think of as wrapping paper, ribbon and typical store bought bows. I hope you had some time to test this out over the weekend, but if not, no worries the challenge is not timed and I would love to hear your ideas, as you make your own discoveries!

This brings me to my own dollar store find….skipping ropes! Oh yeah…they make a perfect replacement for…you guessed it RIBBON! There are many styles, colours, weights and designs and admittedly some work better than others. There are basically two versions, the single rope with handles of some sort (which can in itself create interest) and the endless loop Chinese skipping rope. I bought both types. Over the next few posts/videos, you will see how I incorporated skipping ropes into my finished gift wrapping look. Skipping ropes would make a great accessory when gift wrapping for a child, as it can actually become part of the gift! They could also be a great addition to any summer themed gift idea, but would also work for any generic gift giving occasion.


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Thinking “Outside the Box” ~Literally

think outside the box
Junk or gems? Think outside the box…could these items possibly be used to enhance a gift?

Do you ever wonder what goes through other people’s minds? I’m a total visionary type of a person. I can envision the potential of an old piece of furniture, can predict how great a room would look with fresh paint and a few minor changes, can see how an idea could be modified to work in a different situation and one of my favourite things to do is imagine how I might use an item for a completely different purpose than it was originally intended…“re-purposing”. This is just how my mind works…constantly planning, reflecting and coming up with new ideas! I’m not saying I don’t appreciate a well-made item and will definitely pay whatever it takes to find a comfy and yet fashionable pair of shoes, but my happy place is not the mall, it’s definitely thrifting! (Can’t help it… my mind is automatically wandering to Macklemore’s Thrift Shop song ….although the clean version was rarely played on the radio, I would sing my own clean version and it became a bit of family joke ….”We are TEAM awesome!” ~ great memory. Sorry, how quickly I digress.)

I often wonder what a trip to a thrift store or a dollar store is like for others because when time allows… for me it is like a treasure hunt! I never know what I’m going to find! Although I often go with a list in mind, browsing the aisles without a clear agenda is what the fun is all about. For me thrifting is more of an experience, as it is impossible to anticipate what items will catch my eye and how I might use it in the future. This is seriously so much fun for me!

Dollar/Thrift Store Challenge

Although my creative thinking is not limited to gift wrapping, it is the theme of this post, so I want to challenge you to literally think “outside the box”. What are the basics you need to consider when creating a fabulous looking gift! What are the essentials elements you need to dress-up the outside of the box?

  1. WRAP ~ The material you choose to wrap the gift with is going to become the foundation for your finished look, but why limit yourself to wrapping paper? In previous posts, I’ve already tried to expand your thinking by introducing basic brown packaging paper and scrapbooking paper as great alternatives, but why stop there? What other materials could be used to wrap presents? When you’re out and about, be on the look out for other possibilities.
  2. RIBBON ~ I use the term “ribbon” loosely here because the whole purpose of this challenge is to think beyond ribbon. I want you to look at cord, string, rope, etc…anything that could be used as a substitute for ribbon.
  3. EMBELLISH ~ Do not discount anything! This element is by far the most fun to shop for. Obviously, you do need to consider price as this element is probably not part of the gift (although it could be). Otherwise, just open your mind and try to imagine how an item might be used to add impact and/or interest to a gift. In previous posts, I demonstrated how scrapbooking embellishments (flowers, felt shapes, paper cut-outs, etc.) can be incorporated to create the beautiful finishing touches on a present. I’ve also highlighted glass beads and plastic netting, as well as both real and artificial flowers, but let’s face it, the options are endless! So unleash your creativity and see what you can come up with.


Think WRAP, RIBBON, EMBELLISH! Just try it! The next time you go to a garage sale, thrift store or dollar store…designate some extra time just to browse and let your creative juices flow. I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Remember your entire gift doesn’t need to reflect your creative thinking, but what a statement it makes when you draw in unexpected elements. Please comment below and let me know what kinds of items you come up with as you embark on this journey to “Think Outside the Box”.

Thank you for visiting my site today. For more great gift wrapping ideas, check out my video tutorials at the Best of BOWhemian WRAPsody. If you enjoyed the post, please take the time to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE.