Halloween Scrooge No More!

I must admit that in the past, I have been guilty of being a bit of a Halloween Scrooge.  As mentioned in a previous post, I was never a big fan of Halloween.  My own children did not participate until my daughter was in school.  My opinion was mostly a product of my bad childhood experiences with Halloween. I spent most Halloweens terrified of the older kids in town and all of their “pranks”.  The combination of scary masks and burning hay bales in the streets of town pretty much did me in.  As an adult, I had my previous experiences coupled with my desire to keep candy and treats away from my toddlers, so we just avoided it.  When we did begin to participate, I refused to handout candy – the thought of giving candy to such small children literally made me cringe. How can that be a good idea?I was adamant and found other options to drop in their bags.  So, when kids would drop by our house, they would get a mini-playdough, small toy, pencil or at the very least a sugar-free snack.  I did this for several years, but my husband “laid down the law” and told me that “our house would get egged” if I continued down this path and that I’d be cleaning it up.  Yikes! My kids also began to complain and said that playdough was for little kids, so a few years ago, I broke down and joined the masses and began to handout the sugary treats that all kids are seeking on Halloween night.  Oh well, a battle not really worth fighting, I guess.  I thought this Crest commercial was hilarious and pretty much put me in my place.

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