Curb Appeal of a Different Sort

A few summers ago, (back when my kids still wanted to go on bike rides with their mom) I spotted this old dilapidate chair on the curb just waiting to be claimed. To the embarrassment of my kids, I went and knocked on the door of the home it sat in front of and inquired about the chair. Sure enough, it was up for grabs…yay!! I asked if they would mind tucking it in their garage, so I could come back with the van and pick it up. They agreed and I was excited beyond words!

I picked it up and planted it in our garage. Unfortunately, when I had a closer look I realized that the new upholstery would entail more skill than any of my previous projects. There was no way to hide all of the tacks, as I had in the other simple projects I had done. As a result, I let fear get the better of me and avoided it for almost two years. It was only when Tim threatened to toss it that I knew I had to at least give it a try. I took apart the seat and back and used the very old and stinky upholstery pieces as a pattern for the new fabric. The chair frame required sanding just to rough up the surface in preparation for paint. I decided to paint it white (Surprise!  Surprise!) and then got to work reinforcing the seat and adding additional padding (salvaged from our old leather chair).

Once the seat was re-built, it was time to try my hand at covering the seat, back and arms.  I did my best to tack the pieces in place as inconspicuously as possible and then hot glued a simple lace rope around the edges to hide the staples/tacks. On close inspection, it’s certainly not perfect, but to the casual observer it looks pretty good for my first crack at real upholstering. If you asked an expert, I’m sure I did everything wrong, but when you consider this was picked up off the curb and the fabric was on clearance for $7…it’s quite the steal! Love these trash to treasure deals!

*As an after thought, I decided to paint and re-upholster the arm chair that we had kept from the original set we bought with our old antique dining room table. It was an easy job as the seat lifts off and all of the staples are hidden below. (This is the kind of project I like!!)

Toss or Treasure? The Story of A Cheap Chair

I have had this old folding chair and desk set for years.  I can’t remember if it was a freebie or just a really cheap second-hand purchase, but the desk has made its rounds and has served as several different purposes over the years.  The chair was in my scrapbooking room, but I hated it and contemplated tossing it due to the large and ugly rip in the back.  I actually put duct taped on it. Can you believe it?  Anyway, I have been doing my summer purge and was about to toss it when it hit me ~ this would have to be the easiest re-upholstering project ever!

Cheap Folding Chair Upcycle

I am in the midst of tweaking my son’s room and because the matching desk is currently located in his room, I thought I would fix-up the chair to match.  This task was super easy (aside from having to find a staple gun that would load and fire 1/4″ staples) ~ thanks Chris!

I had the fabric from a previous project and it is perfect fit for my son’s room.  The back and seat of the chair unscrew and I just stapled the new fabric right over top of the old seat.  I removed the torn top piece because I knew it wouldn’t sit smoothly otherwise.  Check it out! Simple, $0 and looks way better don’t ya think?

Before and After Shots


Ugly black folding chair.

torn back

Duct tape? Really?

finished chair

The finished chair.