I must admit, I’m not a lover of winter.
I endure it.
The moment March 1st comes, I feel a spark of enthusiasm knowing that spring is around the corner. Although March in Manitoba can be anything from minus 30 to very mild sweater weather, the calendar confirms the end is coming. Although summer is my favourite season, spring is a close second. It’s a time of new beginnings and the fresh air is truly exhilarating after hibernating inside all winter.
With Christmas and Valentine’s Day behind us, I’m excited to explore some more open-ended gift wrapping designs that aren’t connected with a specific theme. In today’s gift wrapping tutorial, I demonstrate how to create 3 different looks with the same wrapping paper. I found this beautiful floral print at the dollar store and just had to pick it up. It’s a Hallmark roll, so better quality than some of the other dollar store wrapping paper. I love the grid pattern on the reverse side, as it makes for easy cutting. This paper got me so excited for spring. Can’t wait to see the first tulips pop up!
I often choose papers that are either solid colours or have very simple patterns, but I just couldn’t resist this gorgeous wrap. With so many colours in the design, the options for embellishments are many, but you want to keep it simple to avoid drawing too much attention away from the paper itself. I chose three easy designs to demonstrate how one might balance a busier design with less complex decorative elements.

Simple, but Interesting ~ For the first project, I found a beautiful wool type string/ribbon that is made with a variety of fibres and colours. The texture is both interesting and beautiful. It’s quite bulky, so a simple knot is all that is needed to finish off this gift. This is my favourite design. It is such a modest look, but I love how it compliments the colours in the paper.

Sparkle and Berries ~ This white iridescent netting is the perfect ribbon for this gift. The netting doesn’t fully conceal the beautiful pattern of the paper beneath. The hint of sparkle contrasts the flat pink colour of the berry sprig. The floral sprig is tied on with a short piece of white ribbon. I like using white on white to avoid drawing attention to it.

Staggered Ribbon with Thrifted Broach ~ I opted for a deep pink ribbon to anchor the final design. The staggered pink ribbons intersect at a point that is purposely off-centre. I added a white ribbon across the intersection and finished off the look with a thrifted broach. Watch for thrift store sales…you can often pick them up for a dollar or two. Broaches can really make a statement when used as the focal point on a gift.
Check out this one minute video tutorial to see how easy it is to change up a look using the same paper. Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE to both my Youtube channel (BOWhemian WRAPsody) and my blog to follow my latest posts.