Jesus Take the Wheel!

got favor?I thought I’d share a story …. one that will likely transcend time. You know those stories that begin with, “Do you remember that time….”. Perhaps my children will one day tell their children of our little adventure and miracle. If you read my blog regulary, you will know that I have a strong faith and I learned many years ago, that there is no request too big or too small for God. It was from our pastor that I learned there was no such thing as “wasting” a prayer. Thanks to his stories about his wife Sally praying for parking spots, I have also found that with a little prayer, I too can have “rock star” parking! We have taught our kids the power of a prayer and when any situation arises….we pray, trust, believe and then wait.

No Gas…Are You Kidding Me?

Our family made a day trip out to my Auntie Lynn’s funeral on Friday. The weather was good, the service was beautiful and the hours after spent with family were wonderful. After a full and very long day, we got back in the van to begin the 3 1/2 hour drive back to Winnipeg. We were heading out about 7:45, so knew it would be 11:15 or so before we’d get home. Tim is a night hawk, so the thought of driving back after a long day really wasn’t a big deal. Our route took us along #1 Highway, past Brandon.

I’m not one to play around with the gas gauge, I will always play it safe and fill up long before the needle gets close to the big “E”. However, I was not driving and therefor not really paying attention to the gas. We got about 15 minutes past Brandon when Tim casually said, “Oh, we’ll need to stop for gas.” Tim is a born and raised city boy, used to having access to whatever he needs 24/7. I am a country girl. When and where I grew up, the stores were closed Sundays and Mondays and there was no such thing as a Convenience Store. Clearly things have changed in my home town as well, but I knew this highway well enough to know that there weren’t many gas stations along it and I would venture a guess that those that existed, closed early.

So, as we tooted along on our very low tank of gas, we came to the town of Carberry. Carberry sits along the highway, but you have to exit and travel off the highway a bit of a distance (which seemed like a mile or two, especially when you’re running on fumes) to get into town. Our gas was low enough that we were already nervous about making it in to town and finding a gas station before we ran out. We found the two town gas stations, but both closed at 9 p.m. and it was now around 9:30.  As were driving down the street, we saw two guys outside the town bar. We stopped and asked them how far to the closest gas station, but they weren’t much help. I’m not sure if their “bellies were already full” or what, but they were zero help and did nothing more than waste our time and gas as we sat idling while they tried to think outside the borders of their small town. One actually thought he might be able to tell us how far to the closest gas station if he had a calculator. Ugh!  We moved on and went back to the first gas station, as there were a few lights on even though the sign said “closed” and it looked to be closed. Tim knocked on the door to see if anyone was inside, but no one was there. A local man pulled in the parking lot and told us we would have to go back to the highway and head to Austin (Manitoba….not Texas, thankfully!!) He said it was about 20 minutes down the highway. The man left and we prayed. We knew there was absolutely no way we had gas to get there. We had been on empty for longer than seemed possible and there was no way we could make it 20 minutes more.

Only By the Grace of God:

So, we did the only thing we could and prayed that we would make it to Austin and find an open gas station. Shay has a great sense of humour and is definitely the family clown. For months now, he has been looking for the perfect scenerio to use the tag line from Carrie Underwood’s song “Jesus Take the Wheel”. Well, you can bet you picked up on this right away and declared it “Jesus Take the Wheel!” and thankfully, he did.

We got back on the highway and tried to pass the 37 km by playing games, singing and telling jokes. (Shay provided most of the entertainment.) We pulled up to the Co-op gas station just outside of Austin at 9:59 p.m. and Tim began to pump the gas. In the middle of pumping, all of the lights on the pumps went out as the station closed at 10:00 p.m. When the pump stopped, it didn’t go unnoticed that our 75 litre gas tank accepted 74.87 litres of gas before it automatically shut off.  We were literally down to 1/2 cup of gas and had we been even a minute later we would have been out of luck. Thank the Lord for taking care of all of the circumstances and giving us yet another example of his faithfulness. I love watching as miracles unfold, both big and small for it is through the smaller miracles like finding a parking spot, that you build your faith and belief for those bigger situations.

When I was looking for a gas gauge picture for the post, I found one on The Heart of Abba and pastor Ron told a “running out of gas story” as well. I loved this quote that was taken from his article.

The favor of God is not even affected by our immediate circumstances… our job, our family, or even our gas gauge. The favor of God is about His goodness and His faithfulness. We receive God’s favor, not because we are good, but because HE is good.

Hopefully this has inspired you. It doesn’t matter what you are going through, there is no circumstance too big or too small. Just have faith and believe. Be patient and know he is acting on your behalf.  Enjoy your Sunday!

True Friendship: An Awesome Act Against Bullying

My friend Pat shared this video on Facebook. It is such a great example of the power of the human spirit. Some how the fact that it is boys gives the gesture even more impact. I think that experiences like this obviously have a huge impact on the victim, but I would expect that it was also a very powerful experience for each of the boys and their families and may even have a life long influence on how they treat others. Wow!  A real testament to the power of friendship and uniting for a great cause.

Life Lessons

Although it may seem strange, I sometimes find myself looking back over the times in my life when things seemed really bad and surprisingly it is with a thankful heart that I recall many of these milestones. I have certainly had my fair share of events that seemed to temporarily change the course of my life and leave me feeling disillusioned and some what helpless.

Occasions such as Mother’s Day remind of those days when I was able to share my sorrows and celebrations with my mom. Losing her at the age of 30 was not easy. I remember being so sad that she would never know my children and that my children would never be blessed with her presence in their lives. However, as tough as losing her was, I look back on her passing with mixed emotions. I think of her often and speak of her regularly. My kids have grown to know and respect her through me. They often speak of their Grandma Ruth as if they’ve grown-up with her by their side. They make comments about what she was like or how she did things or the kind of person that she was, and I am often amazed at their ability to capture the essence of the incredible woman she was. Despite the fact that she has been gone for over 15 years now, in so many ways she lives on.

Over the years, I have found that the biggest obstacles and toughest situations are often the catalyst that takes you to a whole new level in life. It is in the face of adversity that we gain an inner strength that perhaps we didn’t even know we possessed. I’m a very reflective person, and for almost every difficult situation, I am able to look back and see how each of those events helped me to grow and change, and ultimately have shaped me into the person I am today. I have found that when hopelessness seems to settle in and you feel like things can’t get any worse, it is with your next steps that there is often a break through. For me, it’s usually when I feel that I’m at my breaking point, that I dig really deep and completely rely on my faith to get me through. The most amazing part of this is that for every storm I whether in life, my faith and confidence grow. You come out the other side a stronger and often better person.

When my mom died, I missed her tremendously and was very sad, but embedded in her passing were circumstances that were more than coincidence and the way the days and details of her passing all mingled together so perfectly was nothing short of a miracle. I know it seems strange, but I have often said that losing my mom was one of the most difficult things I have ever been through and yet one of the most miraculous. For me, I have found that my strength can always be traced back to my faith. I know for certain there is a God with a much greater plan than I can ever imagine. I find it so intriguing that losing my mom young was in many ways the event that absolutely solidified my faith. Every detail seemed to perfectly orchestrated in such away, that I am unable to look back without being absolutely certain there was a higher power at work. I’m so thankful for my faith, for without it I’m nothing.

So what is the life lesson? 

Don’t let the obstacles in life bring you down. You may feel brow beaten with what life throws at you, but I encourage you to push on and during the process reflect on the situation, its impact on you and your response to it. Through your reflection you too may be able to find the good in what seems like a horrible situation. It is so much easier to move on when you can find something to be thankful for. Just try it ~ think about what you learned about yourself, others or life in general. What would you do different? How will you prevent the same problem from happening again?

Did you know that one of the greatest predictors of success isn’t your IQ, but rather your AQ. Your AQ (Adversity Quotient) is your ability to rise-up in the face of adversity, to process the situation and learn and grow from the experience. Those that are most successful will often say that they have just failed more often. So when faced with a difficult situation, try your best to stand strong, face it head on and know that if you persevere, it may be the catalyst that takes you to a whole new level in life. 

Have a great day and hang in there!


Dr. Kevin Leman

One of my all time favourite speakers is coming to town! Springs Church is hosting Dr. Kevin Leman for several sessions at the end of April. He is the author of dozens of fabulous books on parenting, marriage and other self-help topics and he is absolutely hilarious. He has a wealth of information, but delivers in “stand-up comedy” fashion. I have heard him speak a few times before and came home with a tummy ache from all of the belly laughs. I am so excited he is coming back and his topics sound great. I just purchased my tickets and am inviting my readers to join me for an evening of fun.  This is one of his best selling books which I have read and loved, but he has written numerous. There is literally something for everyone.  Click the book image to check out the book or follow this link to see his best sellers.

Dr. Kevin Leman

Click on the excerpt from the Springs Church website to take you directly to the link where tickets can be purchased.

If you decide to purchase tickets, let me know and perhaps we can arrange to sit together! For those of you that can’t make it, I highly recommend Dr. Leman’s books as they are both informative and enjoyable to read. Although his books are filled with his humour, nothing beats his live delivery. Hope you can make it!

Happy Spring!

I love the look of the hoarfrost on the trees and am generally accepting of winter temperatures above -5, but aside from that I can honestly say “I’m not a fan.” Unfortunately, we don’t get many of these days. I don’t like being cold and find the short days and extended darkness almost unbearable. It has been a very long winter for everyone, even those who profess to love it. I am so excited to see the slush and melting snow that I might actually join the kids and dance in the mud puddles this spring!

You know you have survived one of the coldest winters ever when it wasn’t uncommon to hear weather reports stating claims that the thermometers were registering temperatures colder than both the North Pole and the surface of Mars. At least once, we were also recognized as being as the coldest place on earth! So….Happy Spring!

Happy SpringI was looking for a cute little spring poem and found this. Isn’t that sweet….a daffodil stem peeking through the brown soil on the first day of spring. Is that some kind of a sick joke? My yard is still waist deep from one side to the other and believe me, there are no daffodils to be seen. I think we are still weeks away from that, but none the less…spring is here.  I took these shots of the kids out in the yard yesterday. Go figure, spring is here and it is finally mild enough for them to play outside. (We actually had so much snow that we let them jump into the drifts from the garage roof.) The temperatures were mild at plus 1, the sun is shining and there is finally hope in the air. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get a great angle on these shots as the sun was shining directly in my sight line and I didn’t have much room to manoeuvre from the narrow path (remember, we still have 3 feet of snow in our yards.)

Cheers to sunshine, smiles and warm weather. Have a happy day!


“WELL” Informed: The Billboard Project

A friend shared this link on Facebook and I was intrigued by the caption and just had to check it out. I absolutely love this concept and am fascinated by the creativity and ingenious of the team behind this idea. Water is one of the very few basic needs we really have in this world. These engineers figured out a way to convert air into water ~ amazing!  For most of us, we are immersed in a world of wants and desires and have completely lost sight of our true basic needs. I teach “Wants and Needs” in Kindergarten, so at least once a year, I do a bit of a reality check and remember that we don’t need a new car, flat screen TV, a puppy, a new pair of earrings, etc ~ we want them.

Billboard That Produces Water:

This video not only highlights a brilliant concept that is helping to provide water in Peru, but also forces you to take a moment and reflect on how easy we actually have it. I am almost embarrassed to admit that we have one of those water/ice dispensers on our fridge, and Eden would probably say we need it. We live in such an indulged society ~ makes me a bit sad. Check-out this video. I am not sure what this could mean for other countries in which water shortage is such a huge problem, but perhaps it can help in other areas as well.

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I am so glad the weather finally broke and we have been blessed with some milder temperatures. When I was driving to work yesterday, you could actually feel the positive energy permeating from the other drivers on the road. Our weather and road conditions have been so horrible for so long, that tension seemed to just linger in the air. It felt like “the big black cloud” finally lifted and everyone seemed to have a bit more spunk and joy! Despite the fact that we have some reprieve from the severe cold, I won’t be giving up my scarves anytime soon.

Scarves are More than Just an Accessory

It took me a long time to join the ranks and become a “scarf” wearer. I always used to feel kind of stupid when I put on a scarf because I was never really sure what to do with it. I always wore a scarf with my winter coat, but in terms of accessorizing with a scarf, it didn’t seem to fit my personality.

Last winter, I was travelling with my best friend Robin and she suggested I bring a scarf. She told me that she always travels with a scarf because it is small to pack and really helps to keep you warm. Whether you be over tired from travelling, trying to get comfortable on a cool airplane or feel under dressed for the weather conditions, a scarf can not only accessorize, but also help to keep the “draft” off your neck and make you feel much more comfortable. I took her advice and found that it made a huge difference. I am always cold and having a scarf along really seemed to allow me to “cozy” up without having to wear multiple layers of clothing. I had never really considered taking a scarf along before her suggestion, but it will now become a “must bring” on my packing list.

Since that time, I have found myself wearing scarves quite regularly. Our winters are very cold and it seems that even a light scarf around my neck helps me to make it through those days at work when I just can’t seem to shake the chills. So, if you are like me and feel a bit unsure of what to do with a scarf, check out this video.

There are many great websites and suggestions for how to wear scarves and they really are more than just an accessory! Get out a scarf and start to play around with it. Have fun and keep warm!

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New Year’s Resolutions and the Fruits of the Spirit

Well it’s official 2014 is here! Last night, we just hung-out at home and watched the Jets game. It was quiet and relaxing ~ a nice way to bring in the new year. The kids stayed up until 1 and I headed off to bed at 2 am, well passed my usual 9 to 10 pm bedtime. Tim wandered into bed sometime after that. We all woke up to the tune of “Happy Birthday” blaring from Shay’s Winnipeg Jets alarm clock at 7 this a.m. Shay didn’t know how to turn it off, so the noise echoed through the house for endless minutes until someone finally responded. We are all tired and a bit grumpy this morning. Lack of sleep will do that. Not the best way to welcome 2014, but regardless of the fatigue and irritability, the new year is here.

New Year’s Resolutions and the Fruits of the Spirit:

I am not huge on New Year’s resolutions, but I do see the new year as another opportunity to reflect on the previous year and consider how to make 2014 even better. I hate the idea of “plateauing” in any area of life and strive to constantly work on becoming a better person. I truly believe that we are to continually work on “raising the bar” and elevating the way we do life. Of course, this can become overwhelming at times, especially when you understand that you will never “arrive” ~ life is a journey with no real destination. For every goal that you reach, a new goal should be set to replace it, so that you are in perpetual motion, always moving forward.

The bible teaches us about the “Fruits of the Spirit“. You don’t have to be a Christian to agree that each one of us is born with the seeds to produce the “Fruits of the Spirit”. However, it is our job to nurture those seeds, so that we can produce this “fruit” in our lives.

fruits of the spiritWhen you consider popular New Year’s resolutions such as spending quality time with family, exercising, dieting, quitting a bad habit such as smoking, and getting out of debt, you will notice that most can be traced directly back to one of the fruits.

  • If spending time with family is your goal, the fruits all support the building of strong relationships.
  • If you are suffering from anxiety or depression or maybe just worry too much ~ seek peace.
  • So many New Year’s resolutions aren’t about starting something, but more about stopping or controlling something in our lives.  Are you trying to eat better, quite smoking, stop drinking or limit your spending ~ if the answer to any of these is yes, you are really talking about self-control. 

What I have found is that if I trace my goal back to the core of the problem, it can usually be found in one of the fruits. Once you know the core of the problem, you can begin to focus on building this area of your life. This can be done through great teaching in the form of pod casts, books and even YouTube videos. For me, church super charges me for the week and then I listen to downloads on my iPod on the way to work. This makes the drive go quickly and doesn’t take additional time out of my day.  Just being aware seems to help. So for example, if losing weight is one of your New Year’s resolutions, recognize that self-control is a big part of this. Work on incorporating new daily habits that will help you to build your ability to demonstrate self-control. It is so much more about the little changes that you make on a daily basis that in turn become your new normal. I loved what Jeremy Statton had to say about resolutions.

It is the small things occurring on a regular basis, adding up over time, that define who we are.

We also need to recognize that the circumstances that life throws at us can help us to develop each of these areas in our life. In looking back on my life, the most difficult situations have often been the catalyst that has helped to propel me forward and reach a new level in life. For every storm we weather, we become stronger and more capable of conquering the next obstacle. Take a moment to reflect and I am sure that you will see that what seemed insurmountable a few years ago, now seems like it is not such a big idea. I remember the days when I used to throw-up before public speaking and would break into a sweat if I had to make an announcement at a staff meeting ~ now they want to muzzle me. Go figure!

Another example was when my mom died when I was 30. It was very difficult to not only lose my mom, but the prospect of my kids losing an incredible grandma and role model. I knew she would never be a grandma to my children and that my children would never have the opportunity to have that quality grandma time with her. She would never be there to bake cookies with them, do crafts together or have them for sleepovers. My kids have missed out on the experience of having her in their life and for that I am still sad. However, living through the experience of her illness and passing actually elevated my own faithfulness and helped shaped me into the person I am today. I can look back on so many of the trials in my life and see how in the end it was the means to creating a better “me”.

I encourage you to fill your heart and mind with “food” for your spirit. There are many great speakers and writers, both Christian and secular that can tap into your areas of need. I think for any change to be permanent, you really do have to work from the inside out. Those external steps and habits are really important, but without changing what you believe about yourself and the kind of person you are, long-term transformation is difficult.

Best wishes for an incredible 2014!

happy new year

In Remembrance

First of all, my apologies for not acknowledging Remembrance Day yesterday.  I had planned to share this video over a month ago, but completely forgot until late last night. We did take time to remember all those who have served in the past and continue to stand strong for our country and freedoms today.  The kids participated in their school assembly on Friday, but I was at work and missed it. I attended my own school’s Remembrance Day assembly and our church paid tribute at our Sunday service as well.  I saw this video several years ago, but it is one that had a very profound effect on me and I have never forgotten it.  I am sure you will be as amazed as I was at this heartfelt perspective and message.

Incredible Depiction of War through Sand Art

Lest We Forget

lest we forget

A Salute to the Brave!

This video was shared by my cousin Lana on Facebook.  The nurses at the University of Minnesota Children’s Hospital decided to make a video to encourage the children who are battling illness and in many cases fighting for their lives. The video was inspired by the song “Brave” by Sara Bareilles.

Children’s Hospital Nurse’s Video

My thoughts and prayers are with all of those who are fighting an illness or any other “storm” in their life right now.  I also give thanks for all of the people in the world with the heart of a servant.  Those who give of themselves freely in order to make a difference in the lives of others – cheers to you!

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