The Mom Song ~ to all the moms!

This is video captures a day in the life of a typical mom ~ it’s  hilarious! The first time I heard this was at Springs’ Church. A lady performed this song live for our Mother’s Day service a few years ago. I do believe this is the original video. This is a true tribute to all the moms out there. Enjoy!

Life Hacks I Love # 9: Blue Dawn + Vinegar

Dawn and VinegarI saw this on Pinterest a long time ago and was so tired of commercial cleaners that didn’t work, I thought I’d give it a try. Our home was built in 1921 and still has the original cast iron tub in the main floor bathroom. We had it refinished when we redid our bathroom several years ago, but it just doesn’t clean easily. I was so excited when I tried this out and it worked!

How to Make Your Own Tub/Shower Cleaner:

The ratio for this mixture is one to one. I find that 1/3 to 1/2 cup of each is plenty for one tub.

  1. Measure 1/3 cup  (or 1/2) of vinegar in a glass measuring cup.
  2. Microwave the vinegar. You want it hot.
  3. Pour the vinegar into a spray bottle.
  4. Add an equal part of Blue Dawn dish soap to the spray bottle (either 1/3 or 1/2 depending how much vinegar you used).
  5. Add the spray bottle cap and give the bottle a gentle shake just to mix the two slightly. Do not shake vigorously or you’ll get lots of bubbles.
  6. Spray onto the tub and shower surface and let sit for about 10 minutes.
  7. Wipe clean.

You will notice that the grime wipes clean easily with little to no scrubbing at all. The vinegary smell is quite strong but dissipates quite quickly and the results are really worth it.

My daughter decided to make-up some kind of an oil mixture for her hair and body this week and our tub is disgusting. Normally, the natural consequence for this would be for her to clean the tub, but I wanted to post about it, so I decided to do it myself. Whatever concoction she used, attracted every bit of dirt and grime conceivable to our tub. Here is a picture of the an area I’ve wiped versus an area that hasn’t yet been cleaned. I went to use my Dawn + Vinegar cleaning solution and realized I was out of Dawn. I decided it would be a great time to try out the Sunlight dish detergent I have on hand. I simply substituted the Sunlight for the Dawn and it worked like a charm. We buy a huge container of Sunlight from Costco and I would just buy the Dawn separately for cleaning my bathroom. Not any more ~  from now on I’ll be using my Sunlight for my bathroom as well and saving the extra expense. I actually had Eden shoot a little video clip of me wiping down the tub, but I am having trouble with my YouTube account, so I decided to post without it. Here is our disgusting tub!

tub cleaner

This is one of those Life Hacks that really works. It is so much better than any of the commercial cleaners I’ve used. It’s much cheaper and takes so much less effort. I highly recommend this fabulous solution. Based on my little experiment today, I would venture to guess that it might work with any good quality dish soap you have on hand. I’d love to hear how it works for you, so leave your comments below. Happy cleaning!

Big Bad Bonded

In 2010, we were in desperate need of new living room  furniture. We had bought a high-end leather set in the early 90’s and needless to say, it was done. It held up tremendously well, but the springs were going and when you sat down you feared you might sink into a bottomless pit and never get out. At the time, I was off work on a sick leave and really not up to furniture shopping, but we needed something. We came across another leather set at the Palliser furniture outlet. The set looked quite good, but was being cleared because there were a couple of  inconspicuous areas where the furniture was damaged. The discount was incredible, but we were aware that the quality was not nearly as good as our previous set and the damaged spots may not hold up well. However, our thinking was this…it was a great deal and our kids were at the age where they weren’t exactly “easy” on the furniture. We thought of it as a short-term solution, until we could figure out what we really wanted. Well that was 4 years ago and I can honestly say, the furniture was holding up and life was busy, so we never even bothered to look. I don’t know if it was the weather or just timing, but this winter killed our furniture. I think it was around Christmas when we started to notice that some of the leather was peeling. This had never happened with our previous set and we immediately new that this was in fact “bonded leather”.

What is bonded leather?

This video does in fact explain what bonded leather is, but I have to disagree with his statement regarding the durability. If you do your research, you’ll find that many will report that there is no comparison between genuine leather and bonded. Many furniture stores will advertise “genuine leather” in all the places that touch your body, but bonded or synthetic on the sides and back. This article in the News Tribune provides lots of information and a great comparison between the two. Speaking from experience….I would never buy bonded again. Our leather sofa and chair lasted us almost 20 years and was in great shape for at least 15 of those years. Our bonded (which we did knowingly buy, but don’t really feel slighted because it was so cheap) lasted less than 4 and it really can’t even be sold or used by anyone. As far as I’m concerned it will be trash. The amazing part is how it went from fine to garbage so quickly. It literally just began splitting apart in the middle of the cushions. Currently the furniture is still in our living room. We don’t have a family room or finished basement, so we spend our time in our living room and really have to keep it until we have it replaced. We have done some looking, but the layout of our living room and style of the house have made it difficult to make a decision. We both agree that we will be purchasing another genuine leather set, but it is a big investment and I want to make sure we choose something that we’ll be happy with for many years to come. The only draw back of a really high quality set is that you are making a decision that may last for 2 decades. That’s big!

So, until we can find the hours to shop and make a final decision, we are living with garbage furniture. If you are in the market for new furniture be sure to do your homework and ask lots of questions. When we were looking and asked about genuine leather some sales people told that specific pieces were genuine, but did not admit that synthetic leather (or other fancy terms) covered the sides and back until we specifically asked about it. Don’t be lured by the low price and later disappointed by the poor quality. Our sofa set is an Ashley set which I actually would not have bought even at the great price had I known. I’ve heard many stories about the poor quality of their furniture and the manufacturer is always one of my questions. Furniture can be a very big expense, so shop wisely!

Just for fun, I thought I would show you what we are currently resting our bottoms on! Keep in mind, none of this “damage” was related to the original flaws in the furniture and none of it resulted from a puncture or specific incident.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

This is a powerful video showing the interaction between an Alzheimer patient and the family dog. This video made me think about the therapy dogs that they used to bring to my Grandmother’s personal care home. I remember being intrigued by how the residents seemed to relax and “find” themselves when the dogs were there.

At my age, many of my friends and colleagues all seem to be entering that stage in life in which our parents are aging and in some cases are less able to care for themselves. My Grandmother lived to be well over 90 and I certainly observed her health failing over the last few years of her life. At times she wouldn’t recognize me and my presence often brought back memories of my mom who had passed away many years prior to my Grandma’s death. The conversation would often be very circular going from one topic to another and then repeating. She would ask the same questions over and over and would often become very emotional during our visits. I didn’t see my Grandma more than a time or two per year, but found our latter visits very difficult. I always felt that seeing me reminded her of my mom and upset her. It was difficult, especially for those closest to her who had to manage the stress of her failing health on a regular basis.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease are terms that are often mistakenly used interchangeably. However, the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan defines Dementia as the term used to describe a variety of brain disorders with symptoms including loss of memory, judgement and reasoning, as well as significant changes in mood and behaviour. Alzheimer’s disease is a form of Dementia that is very difficult to diagnosis with 100% accuracy and the diagnosis is generally determined through a series of tests and a process of elimination. Alzheimer’s accounts for approximately 64% of all Dementia in Canada. The Alzheimer Society has developed a list of 10 Warning Signs to look for as your loved ones begin to age.

Early diagnosis is essential as some symptoms can be slowed down if the source of the dementia can be determined and a proper treatment plan put in place. If you know someone living with a form of dementia watch this incredible video that portrays how two healthy adults feel when exposed to a simulated experience of what living with Alzheimer’s Dementia might be like.

Although there is no known cure, many doctors and health care professionals are recognizing the connection between glutathione levels and optimal health. Glutathione is thought of as the master of all antioxidants and supplements that promote glutathione production in the body have been linked to symptom control for many patients suffering from numerous ailments. In Dr. Jimmy Gutman’s book called Glutathione Your Key to Health chapters 5 through 24 talk about the role of Glutathione in optimal health and healing. His book includes chapters on each of the following: cancer; aging; Parkinson’s; Alzheimer’s; heart disease, stroke and cholesterol; diabetes; the liver and hepatitis; Aids; Multiple Sclerosis; lung disease; digestive disease; kidney failure; ears, eyes, nose, throat and teeth; pregnancy, lactation and childbirth; trauma and burns; seizures; skin disorders; Autism and the role of glutathione and in males. The book is very informative and really describes how vital glutathione is to our over all health.

My dad is 78 and has taken Immunocal (a supplement that boosts your body’s production of glutathione) on a daily basis for several years now. He is in awesome health and had his first cold in decades this past winter. He takes no prescribed medication and continues to be extremely healthy. I too take the product and despite being exposed to a variety of illnesses at school on a daily basis, I’m rarely sick and can often “nip illness in the bud” by doubling up on my supplement and having a restful sleep.

If you are interested in learning more about Glutathione and/or Immunocal you can check out one of my previous posts on What is whey protein and why is Immunocal the best product on the market?” or visit the Immunotec website to check-out the products. There is nothing worse than watching the quality of life slip away from a loved one. I am so thankful that my dad is still so active and full of life at 78. He looks and feels great and claims that Immunocal is the key to his wellness!

10 Second Chicken!

Okay, this might be my most embarrassing recipe share yet. This chicken dish doesn’t look like anything special, and that’s because it’s not. This is nothing more than a survival recipe that meets all of the most important criteria. It’s healthy, has only 3 ingredients, takes seconds to prepare, is easy to cook and is liked by the whole family.  Presentation is of no significance when you’re in survival mode!

10 Second Chicken:


  • chicken ~ any cut
  • olive oil
  • Montreal Steak Spice


Spread olive oil on the chicken. Sprinkle with seasoning. Bake. (We usually bake it for about 45 minutes at 375 depending on the cut of the meat and on whether it has been defrosted or not.) Don’t let the ease of this dish fool you….although it’s super simple, it is also very tasty. I love eating this chicken chopped up over a salad or with roasted veggies. Mmmm.


Bunny Service Jar

Burlap Bunny Service Jar

Burlap Bunny Service Jar

I found this idea on Pinterest and love how it draws a connection between Jesus and the candy/goodies that have come to represent Easter to so many.  I want my kids to have a fun Easter and be able to indulge in treats and little gifts like other kids, but not at the expense of our faith and beliefs. It’s often hard to keep the true message of Easter alive amidst the commercialized flare of the season.

This jar is the perfect addition to those family traditions you already hold sacred. Originally, I thought I would make jars for both of my kids and put them in their baskets, but then I thought it would make more sense to have a family jar that we could bring out each year. I love the idea of having a physical symbol to remind us that we have a role in Easter as well. It helps the kids to understand and remember that Easter can be about giving as well as receiving. I made a jar for our family and hopefully we can work together to fill it up with “bunny tails” through this Easter season and keep the message of Christ close to our hearts. Such a great idea from the Happy Home Fairy! Check-out the site for a full tutorial.

Modified Bunny Service Jar Poem

I modified the original poem slightly to meet my needs.

Bunny Service Jar

Here is what I did for our Bunny Service Jar.


  • old rose bowl vase
  • burlap
  • hot glue gun
  • needle and twine to gather the ears
  • cotton balls for bunny tails
  • button eyes
  1. First, I cut out an ear shape from burlap scraps and then used the first ear as a template for the second. I made them with quite a wide base. I then added a bit of podge around the edges to prevent them from fraying. I made the ears extra wide so that I could slide a needle and twine through the bottom to gather them. I then glued on the ears using my hot glue gun.
  2. I liked the burlap look and decided to cover a glass bead in burlap for the nose.
  3. I pulled several strands from the burlap and used them for whiskers. I then glued the whiskers and nose on.
  4. I added two button eyes and a cotton tail.
  5. I typed out the poem with a few modifications and added a few embellishments before attaching it to the jar.
  6. I have a supply of cotton balls that can be added to the jar as acts of service are performed!


Dr. Kevin Leman

One of my all time favourite speakers is coming to town! Springs Church is hosting Dr. Kevin Leman for several sessions at the end of April. He is the author of dozens of fabulous books on parenting, marriage and other self-help topics and he is absolutely hilarious. He has a wealth of information, but delivers in “stand-up comedy” fashion. I have heard him speak a few times before and came home with a tummy ache from all of the belly laughs. I am so excited he is coming back and his topics sound great. I just purchased my tickets and am inviting my readers to join me for an evening of fun.  This is one of his best selling books which I have read and loved, but he has written numerous. There is literally something for everyone.  Click the book image to check out the book or follow this link to see his best sellers.

Dr. Kevin Leman

Click on the excerpt from the Springs Church website to take you directly to the link where tickets can be purchased.

If you decide to purchase tickets, let me know and perhaps we can arrange to sit together! For those of you that can’t make it, I highly recommend Dr. Leman’s books as they are both informative and enjoyable to read. Although his books are filled with his humour, nothing beats his live delivery. Hope you can make it!

Hot Oatmeal Breakfast Sundae

The kids are back to school, but I was lucky enough to have my day off land on the first day back, so I get one extra day all to myself. I decided to treat myself to something I don’t indulge in too often anymore ~ a Hot Oatmeal Sundae!

What is a Hot Oatmeal Sundae?

Well, oatmeal has been a breakfast favourite for decades, but I have to admit it was not one of mine. A few years ago, I pretty much forced myself to eat “porridge” as I had read about how good it was for you. I had to play around a bit to find a way that I could eat it without actually gagging. Honestly, the consistency did not agree with me. Eventually, I not only developed a love of hot oatmeal, but it actually became one of my favourite breakfasts.

Hot Oatmeal Breakfast Sundae:


  • cooked oatmeal (I just use the Quick Oats and even opt for the microwave version if I don’t have the time to prepare it on the stove top. (In this case, 1/3 cup oats to 2/3 cup water with a pinch of salt for about 2 minutes)
  • a bit of milk to create a texture/creaminess that suits your tastes
  • Sundae toppings of your choice (walnuts, pecans, chopped dates, blueberries, apples, cinnamon, brown sugar, pure maple syrup, chia seeds, flax seeds, etc.)

There really is no right or wrong way to make this, but my favourite consists of hot oatmeal with milk stirred in  and topped chopped dates, apple, chopped walnuts, cinnamon and a sprinkle of both chia and flax seeds. I generally don’t need any sweetener as the dates make it sweet enough. If you do opt to add sugar or syrup, do so sparingly. This is so yummy and a great way to serve oatmeal to kids. It is fun to set out a little of tray of toppings and let them build their own Breakfast Sundae. Enjoy! (I don’t think I need to actually say this, but I will. If you are thinking, “Oh, that’s just like those little flavoured packages you can buy!” Let me make this perfectly clear. It is nothing like those packages, this is a delicious way to incorporate a medley of fresh nutritious foods into your breakfast. I always add items that add extra protein because I believe it is very important to have ample protein with every meal.)

P.S. You may be wondering why I began the post by saying that I don’t eat this often…..Did you know that Lyn Genet-Recitas lists oatmeal as one of the 7 “devil foods” in her book. She includes it on the list because so many people believe that it is a healthy choice when it is actually reactive for  85% of the population. I am okay with it, but I know that it is not a completely friendly food for me, so it is a once in a while treat for me. Go figure? I force myself to eat it believing I should be and now have to limit my intake because it actually causes inflammation in my body. In her book, THE PLAN she states:

…inflammation is the underlying factor behind all disease and health issues.

Although oatmeal has been identified as a food that helps lower cholesterol, that is only true for those few people who do not have an inflammatory response to oatmeal consumption. That is really the trouble with nutrition these days, no one really knows what to eat anymore. Foods seem to bounce from the Superfoods list to the Devil Foods list and it is difficult to know what the best choices are. Again, I really think it is worth the time and energy to figure this out for yourself as everyone reacts to food differently.