Worst Customer Service….EVER!

LGLG tvIf you have been around me at all lately you may have already heard me ranting about LG Canada. I share this post with you so that you can make an informed decision the next time you are making an electronics or home appliance purchase.

In November, I purchased a 32″ TV for my husband for Christmas. I was so excited because we often don’t exchange gifts at all and to surprise him with a TV for the bedroom was exciting. You can imagine my disappointment when he went to hook-up the television and it didn’t work. We contacted the company I bought it from and were told to deal directly with LG and this is where the nightmare starts….

LG set-up a case number and told us to take it to one of their local certified repair agents, which we did. It was deemed unrepairable and a replacement claim was submitted. Since the beginning of January, we have spent endless hours on hold and in debate with LG. We’ve been given the run around, false promises and an unending list of reasons why we had not yet received a replacement TV. As you can imagine, my frustration level was well over the top. If I had to go on hold one more time and listen to LG’s jargon about how at LG (Life is Good) your time is valuable…it might have sent me over the edge.  They are by leaps and bounds the worst company I have ever dealt with. The only experience that even comes close is the contractor we hired to do our bathroom make-over a few years back. He would be right up there with LG as the worst in customer service, but he represents himself and his own reputation with his poor work ethic and dishonestly. LG is what I would have expected to be a reputable company.

A few weeks ago,  I was told that although they most likely have a replacement TV in stock, the inventory wouldn’t be entered into the data base until near the end of April and it would only be then that they could reserve a TV for us. Did you know there is a television shortage right now? Me neither, I was surprised that LG, a television manufacturing company has had difficulty keeping TV’s in stock and it takes upwards of a month to update their inventory on the computer. Are you kidding me?

Of course at this point, there is nothing on this earth LG could do to win back my support. At this point, my best guess was that they could care less about their customers and would do absolutely nothing to make this right.  I figured if I was really lucky I might get my dudd television replaced in time for a Father’s Day gift – how lovely!

If LG were to sweep in and grant me a wish to make all this go away…what would I wish for?

First Choice: My $420 dollars back plus some extra cash for all of the headaches and stress they’ve caused. This would allow me to go and buy a Samsung! I will never purchase another LG product again.

Second Choice: How be don’t get too caught up on finding a comparable TV that is in the “system”…since I’m being forced to replace my LG televisioin with another, how be they try to regain some customer trust and do the right think by upgrading my television to something bigger and better? Seems logical to me. I’m sure that the money it would cost them will be nothing compared to the “free” negative advertising I plan to do for ….like ever!

The interesting thing is that I don’t think LG actually cares about its customers or the service they receive. After that conversation, I requested yet another jump up the rung in the customer service department. I was told a request would be put in “today” and once the manager reads it over, he/she will decide whether it warrants a follow-up call or email from them. If not, it will be re-routed back to the same incompetent department I’ve been dealing with for weeks. Let’s just say that based on my experience so far, I would be very surprised if the managers will be any more effective than their teams. Update: true to form, we never heard from anyone in the management team.

I called back with a request for a phone number and contact information for my lawyer to proceed. Interestingly, things seemed to begin to move much quicker at this point. Suddenly, there was a newer model that was put on reserve, but could only be sent once the old television was sent in. I reminded them once again, that I didn’t have the TV, their certified service agent here in Winnipeg did. They said they would contact him and have him return it. Once it was received they would send out the new one.  After a week and a half, I decided to call the service agent to see if and when he had returned the television. Surprisingly (NOT), he had not been contacted by LG, but had received a new television from them with no paper work or information attached to it. His best guess was that it was mine! So, on Thursday, April 23rd only 4 months after Christmas, LG finally came through and gave me a television of comparable value to that I had originally purchased. No apology, no credit voucher or gift certificate or any other compensation for the hours of headache caused over the last 4 months. Disappointing to say the least.


I’ve always heard that LG products were quite good. I guess that if you are lucky enough to purchase one that has been made well and works effectively – you’ll probably be pleased with the company. However, if you should end up on the otherside and have issues – don’t hold your breath on getting them resolved anytime soon. All you have to do is visit LG Canada’s facebook page to see that I am not alone in the experience I’ve had with their customer service department. So, if you are in need of something new, make an informed decision about your purchase.


Yes, It’s True I’m a SEACRET Agent


Me? A Seacret Agent ~ Seriously?

Anyone that knows me well would tell you that I am a classic example of a low maintenance woman. The thought of me promoting skin care and beauty products seems ridiculous, at best.

What Do I Mean By Low Maintenance?

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that I don’t follow any kind of a beauty regime.

I shower everyday, but only wash my hair twice per week. I am all about low maintenance and refuse to spend hours “doing my hair”. Like washing, I blow dry and flat iron twice a week, after each wash. The rest of the week is taken care of with a shower cap and a hair brush. Hair products…none, well occasionally hair spray and a drop of that oil stuff I purchased about 10 years ago. I find that product makes my hair feel gross and forces me to wash it every second day or so, no product, no build up and it stays looking and feeling great for several days. On a bad hair day, you might see me sporting a ponytail. At my age, you might wonder why I still have long hair ~ in a nut shell….it’s easy to take care of!

I enjoy an occasional pedicure or spa treatment, but can say that I’ve probably never applied nail polish more than few times and each was a disaster. I inevitably mush one, attempt to fix it and ruin another in the process. Eventually, I just get out the polish remover and clear away any evidence I ever tried to paint my nails in the first place.

For over 40 years, I’ve never committed to washing my face before bed. I know you’re thinking “gross”, but I do not lie, the occasions on which I’ve washed the make-up off my face before bed are few and far between.

Now don’t get me wrong, I do take good care of myself. I’m clean and generally look at least somewhat “put together”, but I just don’t have the time, patience or interest in endless hours of pampering. Since my hair started to go grey a few years back, I’ve had to go in for colour about every 8 weeks. You can imagine the stretch this was for someone who traditionally got a haircut every August in time for the new school year, whether I needed it or not ~ Ha! Ha!  I just don’t see any of this “fussing” as a good use of my time.

Why Now?

In the last couple of years, I’ve noticed that the years of neglect are starting to catch-up with me. You know, those fine lines, wrinkles and age spots creeping their way to the surface of my face. I’ve finally considered the notion that taking care of one’s face/skin might actually be important. Although I’ve bought some products over the years (with good intentions), I just never really committed to using them on a regular basis. Sometimes I think opportunities are all about the timing and such was the case with this Seacret opportunity.

How I Got Started:

salt and oil scrubMy dad is a natural-born salesmen. You know one of those people who can sell virtually anything. A few years ago, he was raving about some skin care products that a family friend told him about. He had decided to become a rep with the company, mostly as a means to purchase the products at a discount. When he began to tell me about them, I was surprised to learn that the products he was talking about were the same ones I got suckered into buying at a kiosk in St. Vital mall, only a few weeks prior. What a coincidence! Anyway, I purchased a few products from the Seacret kiosk and other than the incredible Salt and Oil Scrub for dry hands, most of them sat unused in my medicine cabinet.

A recent call from Jesse, the same friend that had introduced my dad to Seacret a few years prior, got me thinking about the products and business opportunity. Jesse had become very successful with Seacret and his call peaked my curiousity. I decided that I should really give their skin care product line a try. My dad had purchased a “kit” when he joined the business and had hundreds of dollars of products just sitting there. He admitted he was never going to use or sell them and asked if I would be interested in having the business transferred to my name. Although I don’t really see myself doing a bunch of home parties, I decided that I could begin to use the products, share my experiences and pursue some online marketing. (I totally love the idea of earning extra money from home.) I decided to go to a Seacret presentation to learn more about the business and products and admit I was quite impressed.

Despite having a very traditional career as a teacher, I’ve always had the “entrepreneurial” bug and have dabbled in many businesses and opportunities over the years. From a small painting business with my husband, to restaurant ownership and several little network marketing businesses, I have always loved being around business-minded people and especially love the positive energy that often accompanies opportunities like this.

Why Seacret?

There are so many great networking businesses out there, but for me the decision was pretty easy.

  1. My dad had already purchased a starter kit and established the business, but it was “inactive”. Start-up costs for traditional businesses can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Networking companies allow the average person to start a business with minimal cost and virtually no experience, as training is a big part of these types of businesses. For me it was as simple as reactivating the existing business.
  2. Unlike most people, who have a preconceived idea about what network marketing is, I know first hand how powerful these types of businesses are. They are not get rich schemes, but rather work on the exact same system as every other business or structure. The harder you work, the greater the rewards. Sometimes people say that the people at the top make all the money ~ not unlike our government, education system or any business for that matter. The only difference is that the middle man is taken out and products go directly from the manufacturers to the consumers instead of through retail outlets, and the savings are passed along to the agents or sales team. They are primarily based on word of mouth advertising, although many internet marketers have aligned with networking companies by becoming affiliates and promoting their products on-line.  The great part is that you are paid based on not only your own personal work ethic and productivity, but also on that of your entire team’s.
  3. With the baby boomers aging, skin care and anti-aging products have become a billion dollar industry. The demand is already there and with Seacret originally launching its products in kiosks throughout North America, they already have an established market and customer base.
  4. I knew it was time for me to make a commitment to looking after my skin and why not use a premium product line that has proven results and is available to me, as a representative, at a wholesale price?

As I begin this process of developing a Seacret business, I need to become more familiar with the products. In late January, I tried doing the daily skin care program, but only lasted a few weeks before falling off the wagon. I know that I need to commit for a few months in order to see a difference and truth be told, I should be using their “age-defying” line, that is getting such rave reviews. However, with so much product already in my house, it only makes sense to start with the products that had already been purchased by my dad. If in fact I can stick to the program, I will treat myself with the anti-aging system, but there is no point spending the money if it is just going to sit in my cupboard! I will keep you posted as I try new products and let you know my thoughts and experiences.


If you were one of the many people who purchased Seacret products from a kiosk and liked them, but didn’t know where to buy them now that the kiosks are gone….look no further. Follow the link to my Seacret site and purchase products directly from the company.

Or maybe you’ve never heard of the company or products before, but are looking for a great skin care line. Either way, just follow the above link to learn more about the company and its products.

If you’re like me and love a good deal, check-out how you can bundle products to get great deals or become a VIP customer and earn points towards future purchases.

Not everyone is cut out for a home based business, but it can be extremely rewarding and the potential is really only limited by the effort and time you commit. If you are interested in knowing more about the business opportunity, please follow the link or contact me directly via email or by commenting below.



“Give It Time” Green Smoothie

green smoothie

Yes, I know this isn’t green!

I’ve been dealing with several health problems over the past few months and in my struggle to get my life back on track, I decided to commit to consuming green smoothies on a regular basis. I had tried several variations in the past and have to admit that healthy or not, they were just too “nasty” for me. However, when push comes to shove and your health is on the line, it is amazing how one can actually suppress the gag reflex and learn to enjoy these “puréed salads in a cup”.

If you landed here expecting me to tell you how delicious this healthy smoothie recipe is and that it is an absolute must try…this is not the post for you. I believe in being transparent and completely honest. When my friend passed this recipe along and I tried it for the first time, I was not a raving fan. In fact, when she asked me how I liked it, I said, “Okay, I guess…I didn’t throw-up”. And this was not really an exaggeration. If you are used to those creamy fruit filled dream like smoothie sensations like I was…brace yourself.

Green smoothies are not really that great tasting and the texture of mine don’t ever seem to get as smooth as in a fruit smoothie, but the strange thing is….within a couple of days you develop a taste for them. I mean I actually crave this cup of goodness. I can’t say it’s the flavour or the texture, but more so like I know I’m drinking a glass of nutrients or a cup of health…I can’t quite explain it, but I’m hooked. I now drink green smoothies most days (at least 5 days a week) and can honestly say I miss them on the days I don’t . Green smoothies are one of  the easiest ways to pack so many essential nutrients and vitamins into one meal.

Robin’s Original Green Smoothie Recipe:

What I love most about Robin’s recipe is that each and every ingredient that she uses was picked for its nutritional elements. To find out more about some of the many health benefits of the ingredients, just follow the links.

Dump all the ingredients in a blender and mix to desired consistency.

Green Smoothie Tips

My Variations:

In order for this “green smoothie” thing to work for me, I knew I had to tweak it so that it was more than just tolerable. Here is what I discovered:

I basically took Robin’s recipe and made a few adjustments so that it worked for me. For starters, I needed to change the colour and add a hint of sweetness to the mixture. I decided that frozen fruit would be the best option. Blueberries work really well because they are healthy, add that element of sweetness and above all create a deep purpley colour that looks delicious. For me, digestion is one of the problems I’m constantly dealing with, so cranberries and pineapple are also great options in terms of the health benefits. The downside is that neither do much for the smoothie in terms of colour. The cranberries create a smoothie that is a disgusting brownish green and the pineapples don’t adjust the green colour at all. When I add cranberries, I will often add in a number of blueberries as well, just to help with the colour.

I often find myself rushed in the morning and as much as I would like to have a fried egg along with my smoothie, I generally find, I just don’t have time to do both. So, if my smoothie was going to serve as my entire breakfast, I had to incorporate some protein into it. I decided to add chia seeds and flax meal to add a substantial amount of protein to my drink.

Although my recipe fluctuates and changes constantly, this is my basic plan:

Cindy’s “Give it Time” Green SmoothieGreen Smoothie

  • 2 cups of packed organic spinach (or baby romaine)
  • 2 stalks of celery (up to 3 with leaves on)
  • 1/3 to 1/2 a cucumber (if not organic, then peel it)
  • 1″ of fresh peeled ginger
  • 1/4 cup of fresh parsley
  • 1-2 mint leaves (when I have them on hand)
  • juice from 1/2 a lemon
  • liquid (water or good quality fruit juice with no sugar added – usually pineapple or cranberry)
  • 1 to 2 Tablespoons of flax meal (ground flax)
  • 2 to 3 Tablespoons of chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup of frozen fruit (blueberries, cranberries or pineapple chunks)

One of the biggest challenges is not making too big of a batch. I have a 16 oz cup with a straw and lid and my recipe usually fills that plus about 1/2 more. I wish I could get it exactly right, but I never seem to be able to. Of course, if I actually measured each and every ingredient every time, I would be able to perfect this, but I am often in such a rush I just eyeball the amounts as I throw them in the blender. Robin will often place the prepared veggies in her blender and set it in the fridge the evening before. This way she just has to add her liquid (and berries for me) to quickly whip it up in the morning. I never seem to be that organized or have the energy left to prep it at the end of the day, so I am pulling it together last minute. I probably have the time down to about 5 minutes and always take my smoothie in the car, so it is still a quick and easy breakfast.

In summary, I am totally hooked on my green smoothies, but you really do have to “give it time”.  Play with it a bit and commit to a week before giving up. I actually have a hard time drinking fruit smoothies now. They just seem soooo sweet. Much like when I went from drinking double double coffee to cream only. At first, it is not easy to take, but eventually you can’t even stomach the sugary taste.


Although I still enjoy my smoothies, I sometimes find it hard to enjoy a frozen drink on winter mornings when the temperatures are hovering between minus 20 and 40 degrees! I presently tend to be opting for eggs most mornings. However, I’ve recently been doing some research on the benefits of juicing. I had never really given juicing much thought and still am not sure if I’m up to the chore of cleaning the machine after each use. (I can be lazy that way.) However, Dr. Josh Axe is a real supporter of juicing and I totally respect him and his opinions.

Juicing is an easy way to get a whopping heap of fresh veggies (and fruits) into your diet in one easy shot – or however many you want a day. You can consume far more of these veggies and fruits with juicing than you could probably eat in the same amount of time.

A fellow blogger recently shared a post written on Health Ambition that outlined the health benefits of celery. Their article:  7 Surprising Celery Juice Benefits absolutely substantiates the advantages of including celery in juices (and I suppose in my smoothies as well). I also love the fact that there is a free download for juicing recipes. I recently borrowed a juicer from a friend and can’t wait to try some of their recipes! Juicing is a great way to optimize the number of nutrients in your diet and research suggests it can also aid in weight loss. With the big 50 looming in the not so distant future, I have noticed how easy it is for those few extra pounds to show up on the scale and how much more difficult it has become to make them disappear again. If you decide to giving juicing a try, let me know about your experiences. Be sure to check out the article on the health benefits of celery! 


Sip and Sooth: The Ultimate Coffee Experience

I’ve loved coffee for most of my adult life. For many of those years, I drank my coffee with both cream and sugar. In fact, my son Shay used to believe that Tim Horton’s was actually called “double, double”. When he was little, he would often ask if we could go to “double, double.”  Too funny!

I eventually traded in the cream for milk, but needed the sugar to balance out the bitterness. A few years ago, I attempted to restrict my sugar intake and one of the things I focussed on was eliminating sugar from my coffee. At first, I hated it, but in my research I also learned the benefits of cream (and the extra fat) over that of milk. So, I was successful in eliminating the sugar, but to compensate began drinking my coffee with cream only (not milk).  Today, I can’t even drink a coffee with sugar in it as it is so sweet it disgusts me. If I order specialty drinks at Starbucks, I always request half the syrup, as the drinks are now way too sweet for me. It is so funny how your taste buds change when given the chance.

Coconut Oil in Coffee:

Recently, my  chiropractor recommended putting coconut oil in my coffee in lieu of the cream. He talked about he benefits of the fat, especially first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. The fat also helps with the absorption of some vitamins and other supplements such as vitamin D.  I had heard of people putting butter in their coffee as well, but both seemed a bit weird to me.  However, I’m pretty open-minded and already knowing the fabulous benefits of coconut oil was willing to give it a try.  The Alternative Daily states:

Healthy saturated fat is not only good for us, but essential for numerous bodily functions. Coconut oil is described as one of the healthiest saturated fats on the earth.

Of course, I have coconut oil at home and so I put it to the test the following morning. I simply added a teaspoon to my hot coffee and stirred it in until it melted. This was the result:

Sip and Sooth:

I did not take the time to do anything fancy, as that would require extra time in the morning that I just don’t have. Despite the simplicity, I really enjoyed the flavour and surprisingly, didn’t miss my cream. Aside from the incredible medicinal properties of coconut oil, the oil in my morning coffee also serves as an incredible “spa” treatment for my lips.  With each sip, your lips automatically receive a coating of oil and living through our bitter cold/dry winters my lips need all the help they can get. Think of it as a two for one: you get the great medicinal properties of coconut oil that your consuming coupled with an incredible lip moisturizer. Gotta love it!

If you are not yet hooked on coconut oil, you really should take a few minutes to read about its great properties and benefits. Well-Being Secrets recently published a very comprehensive blog post on 28 Science-Backed Benefits of Coconut Oil. The article is extremely well written and packed with valuable information on how coconut oil can aid in the combat against numerous ailments as well as its benefits in weight loss. I love how the article includes a table of contents to easily navigate through the article and find exactly what you’re looking for. Check it out! 

Coconut oil really is a product everyone should be trying to infuse into their diet. Adding it to your coffee is such a simple way to incorporate coconut oil into your daily diet….give it a try!

Vitamin B12: I Wish I’d Known

After feeling increasingly yucky for months on end, I finally sought the help and advice of my doctor. I’m not typically one to leave things for a long time without looking into them, but my symptoms seemed so vague and almost bizzare, that I felt stupid trying to explain how I felt. For about 2 years, I have felt like my eyes are always tired and puffy….almost like I’m wearing some sort of a mask that makes the simple task of opening and closing my eyes seem like hard work. Some days the visible pockets of fluid under my eyes were alarming and yet I could never seem to trace the fluid retention to a food I’d eaten or a change in routine. Over time, I felt like more and more like I was under this constant cloud that resulted in low energy and lack of motivation . (This of course, is completely opposite of my personality. In fact, I have often been the brunt of jokes and remarks because I’m generally known for juggling many things at once and always being “on the go”.)

Of course, hitting my head and suffering a concussion only compounded my frustration of not feeling well. My summers are generally packed full of DIY projects and I thrive on getting things done around the house. For me, the measure of a good holiday or weekend is often summed up by what I accomplished, so having a summer in which I achieved little was not easy for me. During the school year life is very busy and I just don’t have the time to do all the things that need to get done to maintain the house or give it the little extras I love to do. Despite the head injury, I was feeling better when I stepped onto the court for my first Thursday night volleyball game in September. It was on this evening that I would suffer a shoulder injury that still has me sidelined and using heat/ice when I take on too much. The two injuries have forced me to take it easy and I couldn’t help but wonder how much the injuries were impacting my overall attitude and lack of motivation. None the less, my symptoms seemed to be heightening and by the time I finally went to the doctor in early December, I was “fit to be tied” as my mom would have said.

My Symptoms:

  • Daily swollen, puffy eyes (some days worse than others).  I feel like I’m wearing a mask and just can’t ever get it off.
  • Low energy and no motivation which is very out of character for me.
  • Memory loss – I was seriously feeling like I was in such a brain fog that I could barely remember my name sometimes. I just couldn’t seem to “hang on to things” as I should, and my family was even beginning to get frustrated….I was hearing a lot of “I already told you that!”.
  • Lack of strength. I’m generally a pretty tough cookie. I generally don’t ask for help unless it’s absolutely necessary, but I noticed that I was lacking the strength to do simple tasks like open jars.
  • I became increasingly concerned when my limbs would fall asleep several times per day. It seemed like whenever I was in a sitting position for more than a couple of minutes, something would fall asleep. On more than one occasion, I stumbled when my ankle/foot gave out when I stood up without realizing it had fallen asleep.

It was at this point, that I went to my doctor and she ordered a full blood panel. I met with her before Christmas and she told me that the only thing that really showed up was that my B12 was low. Although no one ever wants bad news, I have to admit that I was hoping for some answers. To me having low B12 seemed quite insignificant. However, she went on to explain the levels and that my counts could actually be having a huge impact on my over all health. She also encouraged me to “google it”.  Here’s what I learned from my own doctor about the counts and ranges followed in Canada:

  • Below 148 is considered a deficiency
  • 148 to 220 is considered to be in the insufficient range
  • Over 220 is sufficient

My count was 152, so according to the above scale, I am just shy of what is considered to be a deficiency and at the very bottom of the insufficient zone. However, in doing some research, what I learned was that this scale varies greatly from country to country. According to Chris Kresser, many people go undiagnosed because their levels are deemed to be in the “normal range” for that particular country. Here are some of the ranges that were shared in his article:

Yet it is well-established in the scientific literature that people with B12 levels between 200 pg/mL and 350 pg/mL – levels considered “normal” in the U.S. – have clear B12 deficiency symptoms. Experts who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of B12 deficiency, like Sally Pacholok R.N. and Jeffery Stewart D.O., suggest treating all patients that are symptomatic and have B12 levels less than 450 pg/mL.

In Japan and Europe, the lower limit for B12 is between 500-550 pg/mL, the level associated with psychological and behavioral manifestations such as cognitive decline, dementia and memory loss. Some experts have speculated that the acceptance of higher levels as normal in Japan and the willingness to treat levels considered “normal” in the U.S. explain the low rates of Alzheimer’s and dementia in that country.

Interestingly, I also read that people deficient in vitamin D often have a B12 deficiency as well. I have been taking 10,000 IU’s of D for several years now, but was unaware of my vitamin B12 issue until now. I started taking a “sublingual” tablet that dissolves under your tongue for improved absorption. My doctor recommended 1000 MCG, but I opted for 5000. I go back for another blood test in March and will adjust my supplement dosage accordingly.  The one thing that seems very clear from my research is that some individuals can suffer from symptoms even when they are told their levels are within the normal range. Based on how I have been feeling and the symptoms I’ve read about, this is not something to mess around with. If left untreated, the result can be severe permanent damage. The lists of symptoms seem to vary depending on the source and I obviously did not have all of the symptoms. However, some of the things I was experiencing indicate that it probably had been left untreated for some time. I’m just so thankful that I finally got it checked-out and am hopefully on the road to feeling better. Of course, I will also be mindful of including B12 rich foods in my diet. B12 comes from animals and animal by products, so diet can be a strong predictor of deficiencies, although there are other possible causes as well. I do eat meat, but eat very little dairy and get most of my protein from eggs, nuts and seeds.

Some of the Symptoms that May Indicate a B12 Deficiency:

  • strange sensations, numbness, or tingling in the hands, legs, or feet
  • difficulty walking (staggering, balance problems)
  • anemia
  • a swollen, inflamed and/or sore tongue
  • yellowed skin (jaundice)
  • difficulty thinking and reasoning (cognitive difficulties), or memory loss
  • dry and/or itchy skin
  • weakness and fatigue
  • rapid heartbeat
  • shortness of breath
  • easy bruising or bleeding, including bleeding gums
  • stomach upset and weight loss
  • diarrhea or constipation

I’m actually overwhelmed by the research and especially by the broad range of symptoms that can result for inadequate B12 levels. The scariest part is that many people are being misdiagnosed or getting no answers at all. Remember, you know yourself best. If you are feeling “off” get it checked out. I take several supplements every day and would have never imagined that I could be suffering from a deficiency. I just wish I’d known as I’m sure I would have gone and got my blood checked long before the symptoms got so bad. Trust yourself and your own judgement.

There are many great articles, but here are a few I found to be very good and they have links to other great sources as well. If you suspect you may be deficient, the first step is to get a blood test and find out exactly what your levels are at.

Could it be b12?

Do you suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency?  (this site actually has a little quiz with a long list of symptoms)

Six Commonly Missed Diagnoses: B12 Deficiency

Can’t Beat Fatigue? You May Be Low in B12

Schools Back and So are the Head Lice!

After teaching in an early years classroom for more than 20 years and being the mom of two, I consider myself pretty lucky that I’ve never had a personal encounter with head lice. That’s not to say I don’t deal with it in my job periodically. School has just begun and already the little critters have made themselves known. Yuck!

An article in the Washington Post states:

In a typical infestation, there are more nits than bugs since an adult louse will lay an average of five to 10 eggs a day and a newborn female needs only 10 days to become a mom. So the family tree grows quickly.

Although lice are no respecter of persons, school age children are most prone to them because they are more likely to be involved in activities in which transmission may occur.

Facts and Common Misconceptions Regarding Head Lice:

  • Lice can’t jump or fly. They crawl from one host to another and are generally passed via head to head contact or sharing of items such as hats, hair brushes, pillows, bedding, etc.
  • Lice thrive in hair. They do not care if the hair is long or short, blond or brunette, clean or dirty. They live on blood from the scalp and hair makes a great hiding place.  (I get creeped out just thinking about it!)
  • Lice lay eggs called nits which are sticky and attach themselves to hair follicles. Regular shampoo will not kill or remove nits or lice.
  • Lice can live up to 2 days without a host/source of food.
  • Lice can only be eliminated through the use of an effective hair treatment, combing out the nits and a thorough cleaning of all items that the “source” may have had contact with.
  • Although an itchy scalp is a symptom, there can be other reasons for an itchy scalp. Likewise, some people can have a full infestation and not have an itchy scalp!
  • Both nits and lice can be seen by the naked eye.

Dealing with Contamination:

  1. Treat the “hosts” hair by either purchasing commercial products or using a natural treatment. Continue to check for lice and nits daily until no more are found. You may need several treatments depending on the effectiveness of the product you are using.
  2. You must comb the nits out of the hair section by section with a lice comb. This can be a very time consuming process depending on the length and thickness of the hair.
  3. Vacuum all areas the “host” has come into contact with (including the car seat).
  4. Wash bedding, towels and clothing in HOT water and dry in a HOT dryer.

One of the concerns regarding treatment is that some lice are now developing an immunity to some of the pesticides/chemicals used in treatment shampoos and are rendering some ineffective. There are many different suggestions for products and remedies online ~ both natural and more chemically based. Whichever remedy you opt for, be very cautious and thorough in doing daily checks to ensure the treatment has worked. A lice problem can quickly get out of control when someone feels they have cleaned and treated properly, but then stop doing regular checks.

Although I’ve never personally encountered the little pests, I have tea tree oil in my medicine cabinet at home. It is a recommended home remedy for treating lice and I bought it as a precaution when there was an infestation in my classroom a few years back. I didn’t know this, but a student’s mom recently suggested adding a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular shampoo as a great way to help prevent lice. Like any product, some people may have an allergic reaction to the oil and many “medical” sites suggest that there is not enough evidence to support the effectiveness of this treatment. Besides this essential oil remedy, I also found some articles suggesting that lice are repelled by peppermint.

I’m certainly not a doctor, but I can’t imagine the chemical treatments are really that great for anyone. The bottom line is that no one wants to be saddled with an infestation of lice. Perhaps being proactive and adding a few drops of tea tree oil each time you shampoo your child’s hair might be a great option, especially if you know there are cases in your child’s classroom.  The oil has a wicked smell and I did not enjoy using it, the one and only time I did a preventative treatment, but a few drops may even go unnoticed. As for the application of tea tree oil as a treatment, there are several different recommendations for how to apply it and how long to leave it on. I think I applied it right to my scalp (I don’t really remember). Others suggest using it is as one ingredient in a “natural concoction” which may in fact dilute the potency, if someone is already playing “host” to the pests. I’m not really sure? The same mom also said that someone suggested spraying mouthwash on their hair before school. I wasn’t sure why that would work, but after reading about the peppermint, perhaps it is the peppermint flavoured mouthwash that would help to repel them?

It seems like the jury is still out on this issue, but at the very least I would be diligently checking my child’s hair until the issue is resolved. I’m not sure about the policy in other school divisions, but in our school we are required to send a note home to all families to inform them if there is a case of lice in the classroom. Out of respect for all of the other children and families, please make sure you tell the school office (as well as family/friends), if you find your child has lice. By informing the school, we can help to ensure other families are checking their children as well and hopefully prevent the spread.

The video at the top of the page is from Kelly the Kitchen Kop. She has two great posts about lice and shares her personal experience with a home remedy treatment. She had good success with a Neem oil shampoo, but for the full story, check out her posts.  She recommends placing combs and brushes in the hot dishwasher for cleaning and also suggests using a high heat setting on the blow dryer ~ lice hate heat. Great ideas Kelli!

Final Words of Wisdom:

Many years ago, one of the classrooms in our school had a lice out break. Like most parents, everyone was a bit paranoid and wanted to avoid infestation at all costs. One particular child arrived at school with her mom, who was in a flap about the lice. As a preventative measure, she had cut off a pair of panty hose and pulled them over her daughter’s head like a hat. She insisted her child wear this “contraption” until the “scare” passed. Luckily, the students were young enough that the kids just took the odd-looking hat in stride and really didn’t make a big deal out of it. For the adults in the building, it was a bit of a “tongue in cheek” situation…if you know what I mean. I think the stigma of wearing your mother’s cut-off pantyhose draped over your head far out weighs the stigma of getting lice….but that’s just my opinion. I must say, it is one of those stories you just won’t ever forget. Too funny!!

Remember contracting lice is not indicative of your family hygiene. Anyone can become infected!

Back to School Worries: Tips on How to Deal with Childhood Anxiety

Back to SchoolI have been in the education field for more than 20 years, having taught Kindergarten, grade one and grade two. As well, I am the mother of two great kids that are now 10 and 12. In my experience, I have both parented and taught many anxious children. Over the years, I have made several observations and noted some patterns regarding anxiety in children. I’m certainly not a psychologist and do not claim to have all the answers, but wanted to share some of what I have learned through my years of working with children.

My Observations and Thoughts on Childhood Anxiety:

Most children are going to feel at least somewhat apprehensive about going back to school. Usually these feelings are balanced with excitement and are what I would consider to be completely normal. Every child wonders what their new teacher will be like and which friends will be in their class. They often wonder if the work will be hard and if they’ll have lots of homework. Every year is a new beginning and there is often a fear of the unknown. Once they arrive at school and the get the answers to the questions that have been swimming around in their mind, all is well and they settle in nicely. However, this is not always the case and for some children they become so worried and anxious that it can be somewhat all consuming. A parent with even the highest level of patience can become frustrated by the constant questions, need for reassurance and even, complete melt downs. Believe me, I’ve seen and lived it all.

If your child is feeling quite anxious about school, here are a few things that you might want to try or at least consider:

  • Worry Too MuchTalk About the Worry and help to put it into perspective. Try to work through the “worst case scenerio” because for some kids that is where they’re “stuck”. For example, a child with separation anxiety, is often worried they’ll be left at school. Emphasize all the “right” things such as where you’ll be and at what time, but also talk about what would happen if you were running late. Let them know they would never be left alone and would always be kept safe. Don’t discount their fears, but help them to recognize that even if their fear came to pass, it would all be okay.  Emphasize all the great things about school such as making friends, playing with new toys, story time, playing in the gym, singing and dancing, recess (older kids), etc. Having said this, I found that with my own children, after explaining and discussing the worry, we tried to lay it to rest. For me, I found that when we continued to discuss the same worry over and over it was like watering and nourishing a seed and if we continued to give it the attention and nourishment, it would take root and become even worse. If your child does not bring it up, don’t ask them how they are feeling as it is only going to re-surface. This is an excellent book/workbook that I used with my own children and I would highly recommend it, if anxiety an issue in your home. It provides you and the child with great strategies for dealing with worries.
  • For younger children just beginning school or changing schools, try to spend time at the playground just to help the child feel comfortable around the school. It is quite possible they may also meet some neighbourhood kids while playing. I also suggest pointing to the school as you drive or walk by for months prior to school starting. Talk to them about how that is going to be their school. If your child’s school has any city programs or preschool programs offered in the school building – register your child for a program. Our school division has a program called Kindergarten Here We Come. It is designed for 4 year olds in their pre-kindergarten year. I find that children who have spent time in the school for programs, picking up siblings or playing on the structure generally feel more comfortable with starting school. Programs also have the added advantage of helping your child meet other children their age, learn how to engage socially in larger groups and can sharpen their physical and/or academic skills, depending on the type of program.
  • Walk to school when possible. I’m a firm believer in walking your children to school when possible. Of course, this isn’t an option for students that are bussed, but if possible, I think there is a lot to be gained. First, if your house is like mine, it can be a bit crazy and even stressful in the mornings. Trying to get everyone up, showered, teeth brushed, lunches made, homework and notes packed and out the door on time. Sometimes the morning frenzy can add to the anxiety of a child. I find that the walk to school provides the child with the time they need to calm their nerves and relax before entering school. It provides you with an opportunity to connect positively with your child without the “nagging” and frustration that can often happen in the midst of the morning rush. It also gives the child a chance to stretch their legs and have a bit of exercise before having to sit down, concentrate and complete their school tasks. A bit of exercise is a great way to start the day on a positive note!
  • Register for Morning Class if your child is in a half day program. When your child is entering a half day program, there are many things to consider such as what works for your family, childcare arrangements and of course, what program you think your child will thrive in. One of the things I’ve noticed is that children that have issues with separation anxiety seem to cope better in a morning program. I don’t know why, but I feel it is because they get up and go. They don’t have the time to think or worry about school. When a child is enrolled in the afternoon program, they have all morning to worry about leaving their mom and possibly even the fun games they are engaged in with their siblings. To them it probably feels like a punishment. They are having fun playing with their favourite toys with their brother/sister in the safety of their own home and it doesn’t seem fair when their siblings get to stay at home with mom/dad while they go to school. I’m sure they think about all the things they are going to miss out on. The afternoon program works well for many children, but I believe, generally speaking, that morning Kindergarten/Nursery works better for those with anxiety.
  • separation anxietyBe Punctual – the absolute worst thing you can do when you have an anxious kid is be late. It is essential to have your child at school with enough time to briefly engage with their peers prior to the bell ringing. Once they see their friends and have a chance to chat, it immediately lowers their anxiety level. If you bring them late and they have to enter the building by themselves or with you and there are no friends in sight ~ their anxiety level skyrockets. Of course, the same is true for after school. Whoever is picking up your child must be on time. There is nothing as devastating for a small child than leaving the classroom and finding no one there to pick them up. They often dissolve into tears immediately, believing they’ve been abandoned. Don’t be late and if you are stuck in traffic or something, call the school so that the teacher can prepare the child.
  • Don’t enter the school/classroom. Every school/teacher is different and has their own procedures and expectations for drop-off. After teaching kindergarten for many years, I have found that the last thing an anxious child needs is a parent to come into the school/classroom with them. I teach the kids in my pre-kindergarten meetings that Kindergarten is for kids and that we will wave goodbye to mom and dad outside. It is way easier to take a child’s hand and lead them into the classroom than to try to have a parent leave once they’ve entered. Usually, even the most upset child will settle within the first few minutes once the parent is out of sight. I usually have support teachers who are available to help during the first few days of school. It is much more effective for the school to handle the anxiety without the parent involved. If the parent comes in, it sets a precedent and the child gets the message that if I scream louder or cry harder, they’ll come in. It is very difficult to break and only escalates the anxiety and the behaviour. The sooner they face the unknown on their own (with staff support as needed) the more quickly they’ll settle. I have had many kids that have literally clung to their parents screaming and crying, but will settle within a few minutes of saying goodbye. Every parent who experiences this, feels absolutely horrible when they see the distress of their anxious child, but in their best interest say your goodbyes outside and set them up for success. I know this is extremely hard, but it will be worth it. Remember it is often the difficult choices that are more effective, it is much easier to give them a big hug and whisper those words of reassurance, but unfortunately its not all that effective. It is much more productive to talk about how “how it is going to go down” before the day ever comes – the key is preparation, so they know what to expect.
  • Meet a friend before school. If you child is feeling worried about the first day of school, plan to walk to school with neighbourhood friends. If this isn’t an option, perhaps you can plan to meet at a specific spot 5 minutes before the bell so that the kids can connect before school. Walking in with a friend is much easier ~ I know I always prefer to do something knew with a friend.
  • Bathroom Bashfulness – This is so common! I wrote about this in my post yesterday, but it really fits with the subject of today’s post, so I’ll say it again. Using the bathroom independently is a pretty important part of going to school. The children should not only know how to go to the bathroom on their own, but should also be taught proper bathroom etiquette. Using a public restroom is very different from going to the bathroom at home. Help prepare your child by talking about things like: closing the door, washing their hands, knocking before opening the door when it’s closed, what to do if they “drip” on the seat, what to do if they have an accident, etc. Using the bathroom is actually a cause for great anxiety for many youngsters and the result can sometimes be that they will refuse “to go” at school. This isn’t healthy and although the strategy may work in a half day program, it isn’t as effective when they come all day in grade one. The anxiety comes from all the “unknowns” and the best way to conquer this is to talk about it.
  • Plant the seed and register early – most schools accept fall registrations as early as March (this gives you months to talk and prepare for it). As mentioned before, you should be talking about school (positively) long before they ever start. Your attitude and excitement will play a huge part in how your child feels about school. My daughter can be a bit anxious, so we began going to the February open house for her grade 7 school when she was in grade 4. We knew where she was going to go, so we gave her 3 years to get used of the idea and prepare for the change. Naturally, she still has some worries about the unknown, but she’s also super excited and looking forward to it, instead of having anxiety attacks and meltdowns. She already saw the new school as “her school” long before she ever started, and she did not know one single person who would be attending the same school. Anxious kids need plenty of time to adjust and accept change.
  • Make sure your child gets enough sleep and has a good breakfast in the morning. I don’t think I really need to expand on us. We all know that overtired and/or hungry kids pretty much equals disaster. Establish a consistent bed time and wake up time for your child.
  • Establish Routines – I’m a pretty rigid routine kind of a person, but when my son was having some anxiety issues when he was younger, one of the things we did to help him was tighten up our routines. Children that feel anxious need to very tight boundaries. They need to know what’s happening and when. We already ran a pretty tight ship, but we did things like formally establish and mount house rules and designated a very specific time-out space with a set of expectations on how that would work. Routines are extremely important to anxious kids. They do not “fly by the seat of their pants”, at least not well. If your child is feeling anxious, you need to do what you can to create very firm boundaries and with clear expectations.

If your child suffers from anxiety, there are two other things I think you need to consider.

  1. I had written a post some time ago suggesting that I think there maybe a link between technology and childhood anxiety. Now a days, kids spend much of their time on some kind of a device. They are constantly being “entertained” and I believe it is detrimental to their overall development. When there isn’t WiFi or a device available, they are “bored” and don’t know what to do with themselves. They are uncomfortable with themselves and their own thoughts and don’t have the slightest idea how to fill their down time. For many, their entire self-image can be traced to the number of likes, friends or followers they have. If you would like to read more from my post “Is Technology Causing Anxiety?” , follow the link.
  2. There is also research suggesting a link between diet and anxiety. Many psychologists and physicians are suggesting a controlled diet as a means of helping manage anxiety. Research indicates that sugar can be one of the worst contributors. To learn more about how and why diet is so important, check out this two part article called Feed them Calm: The Role of Nutrition in Your Child’s Anxiety.


Look Up!

My daughter Eden actually shared this video with me. The video itself is very good, but what impressed me more was the impact it had on my 12 year old daughter. It really got her thinking about the role media is already playing in her life. In order to get the true message behind the video, you really need to watch the video until the end, as there is a visual story that unfolds as well. Again, I am so glad that some are starting to realize the hold that technology can have one’s life and how it can actually dictate the paths that you take in life, if you are not aware of the opportunities around you.  Put down your cell phone, take in your surroundings and embrace those you love. Just lift your head and look up!

25 Years of Seinfeld

Back in the 90’s, I, like many others, was a huge Seinfeld fan. What could be more hilarious than a show about absolutely nothing! This week Seinfeld is celebrating its 25th Anniversary.

In honour of the Anniversary, I thought I would post this montage highlighting some of the most memorable clips.

TBS is airing 25 of the greatest Seinfeld episodes this week. The “marathon” will run from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. every evening this week and wrap-up with the final episodes running Saturday from 5:30 to 8:00. To check-out the full line-up visit the Huffington Post for details. I am hoping to spend at least one evening enjoying some of my favourites.

Happy Canada Day!

In keeping with the Stay-Cation theme, I thought I would just share a video that highlights the beauty of this country I call home. Canada not only has great people, but it is breathtakingly beautiful. I’m proud to be Canadian and so thankful for the rights and freedoms we are privy to as Canadians! Have a Happy Canada Day!

If you are planning to stay in Canada, but venture outside of Manitoba, Canadian Living Magazine highlighted the top 20 places to travel in Canada. I must admit we are generally bad for this and will often head south. We really do need to spend more of our time and money exploring our own magnificent country.