Outdoors, Out Scores!

This isn’t the first time that I have posted about the power of the outdoors. In a post I made earlier this summer called Summer Camp ~ The Ultimate Score!  I talked about the powerful influence that technology is having on our children and how important it is to immerse them in “nature” whenever possible.    The section below has been taken from my previous post because it relates so well to the video below.

In his book, Last Child in the Woods:  Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder, Richard Louv, focuses on the negative trends effecting our children and the impact that technology is having on their lives and development.

Richard Louv directly links the lack of nature in the lives of today’s wired generation—he calls it nature-deficit—to some of the most disturbing childhood trends, such as the rises in obesity, attention disorders, and depression.

Check-out this video to see how else our health might be affected, if we stopped going outside altogether.

Vitamin D

A few years back, I was seeing a naturopath and had my vitamin D levels checked.  I wasn’t feeling great at the time and he suspected that I may be low in Vitamin D.  My results came back and my levels were very low, indicating that I was Vitamin D deficient.  On his website, Dr. Frank Lipman talks about Vitamin D, appropriate levels and some symptoms of deficiency.

What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

There is no clear pattern of symptoms. In fact many people remain asymptomatic despite low levels. But here are the more common symptoms

  • Fatigue
  • General muscle pain and weakness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Joint pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Weight gain
  • High blood pressure
  • Restless sleep
  • Poor concentration
  • Headaches
  • Bladder problems
  • Constipation or diarrhea

Of course, our very best source of Vitamin D is that which is received via the sun, but many people are needing to incorporate more Vitamin D by taking supplements.  Dr. Oz recommends 1000 IU  a day, as do many health care providers.  However, my levels were quite low and some doctors/naturopaths believe that Vitamin D deficiency has reached epidemic proportions.  My initial test result was in the upper 20’s (28 I think) and well below what is deemed to be a healthy level.  The chart below shows Vitamin D levels and what they mean in terms of your optimal health.  Although this chart was not shared by my naturopath, this fits with the numbers and plan we had for achieving optimal levels for me. He felt that I should be within the 80 to 100 range due to the medication I take and other risk factors that I have.  (However, another site I found stated that 50 ng/ml was the optimal level ~ so there are definitely different schools of thought regarding Vitamin D and supplementation.)  I have been monitored for the past 2  1/2 years, but for most of that time have been on 10, 000 IU per day.  I am due for a follow-up test and so I have currently reduced my dosage to 6000 IU.  In the time I have been taking this large dose, I have never tested much higher than 70.  Keep in mind, that I live in Canada and work almost full-time, so my exposure to the sun is very limited in the winter.  Vitamin D levels must be closely monitored by your health care provider as excessive amounts (above 100 ng/ml) can be harmful.  The important thing to consider is whether or not you might in fact be deficient and need to get your levels checked and monitored.

Vitamin D Chart


If you find that you are feeling “off” or are experiencing some of the symptoms mentioned above ~ get outside. For many, just being outside, can make you feel better. The fresh air, sunshine (Vitamin D) and immersion in nature can be the best medicine of all. However, if you feel that you may need to supplement, check with your health care provider. (I am not sure if medical doctors actually do Vitamin D testing or if you need to have them done through a naturopath and pay for them. I did the latter.)

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Sowing and Reaping

Check out this viral video to see how this man uses his extreme couponing as a means to sow into the lives of the less fortunate.  He understands the concept of sowing and reaping and is a great example for all of us.  Too bad couponing is not nearly as big in Canada.

The Sowing & Reaping Principle at Work

2 Corinthians 9:6

…whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

The principle of sowing and reaping is a biblical teaching that many non-believers refer to as “karma”.  Regardless of your beliefs, the principle is currently at work in your life. The basis of this principal is that whatever seeds you plant determine the harvest that you will get.  Like a farmer who plants a crop in the spring and then harvests the “fruits” of that crop in the fall.  The farmer knows that whatever seed is planted in the soil will grow and mature and develop into the same kind of plant come harvest time.  The same is true with everything in our lives and does not just pertain to giving money or things away.  It literally transcends all areas of our lives.  As a parent, if you plant the seeds of anger by reacting with anger, what you will reap is anger in your children.  If you are always willing to lend a helping hand, others will be there to lend you a hand when needed.  If you want to have friends, you must make yourself friendly.  What you put out, is what you get back.

I find this especially true with our attitudes.  If you ever feel like life is a vicious circle and you are going from crisis to crisis, try to really limit the amount of time you spend thinking about the problems in your life.  Take action and do what you need to do to solve situations, but don’t spend your time thinking and talking about what is not going well ~ health, finances, relationships, etc.  What you focus on (plant in your mind and heart) is what you reap and you will just continue to get more of the same results as long as that is where your focus lies.  A great example of this is demonstrated when you look at self-made millionaires.  They say that one of the keys to financial success is to not focus on the lack or what you can’t afford, but rather create a concrete dream or vision for your life and spend your time focussing on that.  Your mind will immediately begin to bring you creative ideas and ways to solve the little problems along the way to fulfilling the vision you have for your life. Think big and stay positive, even when things look grim and you are feeling down.  Choose to change your focus and plant seeds that will reap you the harvest you want.


Nothing changes, if nothing changes. ~ Earnie Larson

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results ~ Albert Einstein

What Kinds of Seeds are You Planting?

It is often really hard not to focus on what is not going well, but in every situation that is not as you wish, ask yourself “What seeds am I planting?”  Perhaps you need to change the seed, if you want to reap a different harvest?

Want to learn how the pro’s blog?  If you or someone you know is interested in earning money from home, it makes sense to learn blogging and internet marketing techniques from the best on the web. If you would like to receive the same training that has helped me to launch my blog, follow this link.

Relax, Don’t Do It!

I generally pick and choose my commitments wisely because I can become totally goal focused and a bit obsessed.  The same is true for me with exercise.  Generally, I would consider myself a pretty active person. I grew-up loving sports and continue to enjoy playing volleyball most Thursday evenings. However, I have never enjoyed working out.  I have done it, but begrudgingly, because I wanted to look and feel better, not because I enjoyed it.

Years ago, a colleague told me that if I would just stick to running for 6 weeks, I would be hooked for life.  Liar, liar pants on fire!  Never happened, and I was committed.   I have had gym memberships, worked out from home with DVD’s (VHS too, I might add), tried running, and we own a Bow Flex and an elliptical machine.  To be completely honest I don’t really like working out at all.  There are some workouts I like more than others (or should I say dislike less than others), but I would be quite happy playing volleyball, going for leisurely walks/bike rides, actively engage in play with my kids, and completely avoid working-out all together.

My relationship with exercise is quiet extensive as I have tried many things over the years, but like other things in my life, I tend to be “all in” or “not at all”. I have difficulty doing something a few times a week and in the past have done better when I have a daily commitment (or at least 6 days per week). I can successfully complete a 90 day program, but that kind of pace can not be maintained long term (at least not by me). I often follow these intense programs with spans of time in which I fall into the pitfall of doing nothing at all. Unfortunately, lately I have been so busy with my blog and home projects, I fall in the latter category and am not doing much of anything.  Yes, I need to get moving, but at least there may be some good news for others like me!

What Are the Experts Saying?

I was pretty excited when I read Mark Stisson’s book and learned that he viewed exercise in a very different way than most.  In his book, The Primal Blueprint, Mark talks about the disadvantages of chronic cardio and recommends a fitness regime that is more reminiscent of our ancient ancestors.  The premise of his book is to eat and live like primitive man.  ( I am not totally on board with this and don’t follow The Primal Blueprint anymore, but he has some awesome ideas regarding health and wellness). Mark recommends sprinting once per week, HIIT (high intensity interval training) once per week and weight training twice a week for a total of 4 days/week. For Mark’s complete work-out follow this link.

I receive The Plan newsletter from Lyn-Genet and her latest issue was titled:  Do you exercise to gain weight, ruin heart health and hasten aging?  Now that’s a title that caught my attention.  Although the article is a bit of an ad for her fitness program, she does talk about the side effects of over exercising.  Here is an excerpt from her newsletter.

We have been compiling information for over 5 years and have found that:

  • Women (and men over the age of 40) who exercise 5-6 days a week may lose 25% less weight than those who exercise 3-4 times a week.
  • People who exercised every other day often had the best results for weight loss
  • Exercising for more than 30-45 min (depending on the exercise) may slow weight loss or caused weight gain.
  • The biggest culprits are bootcamp, crossfit style classes, Bikram and spinning.

There is more and more research coming out to support the idea that over exercise is not only keeping us from getting the results we want, but may also be harming our bodies.

Here are two more links to articles that have similar claims:  NY Times and WSJ

What Does All this Mean?

I know I feel better and sleep more soundly when I am exercising regularly, so I need to get myself away from my computer and get back on track.  However, it also means that I no longer have to commit to intense exercise programs like Insanity and P90X, as I have done in the past.  I think the key lies in the discovery of foods that completely agree with your body, so that you can begin to live each day without the inflammation that is resulting from specific foods in our diets.  We can then use exercise as a way to supplement our healthy eating, instead of killing ourselves trying to lose weight through exercise.  For me, I know that choosing the right foods has been essential in helping me to get my body to a place I feel comfortable.  I am not completely there yet, as I really do have to begin to get back on track with regards to regular exercise, but rest assured, there is enough research out there to convince me that killer workouts and bootcamps are not the answer I am looking for.


Want to learn how the pro’s blog?  If you or someone you know is interested in earning money from home, it makes sense to learn blogging and internet marketing techniques from the best on the web. If you would like to receive the same training that has helped me to launch my blog, follow this link.

It’s Girl Talk!

I am not even sure what category this post fits into…health and wellness I guess?  Truly there is nothing like a good laugh…

Laughter doeth good like a medicine!

This video is so funny, especially from the perspective of a mom with a tween.

Got to love the Camp Gynecologist!  So much to look forward to ~ not!

Hello Flo

The funniest part of the whole thing is that this video is a commercial for an online business called Hello Flo.  The website is designed for women and girls! Can you imagine having a little “care package” sent to you each month that corresponds with your cycle?  Well, it’s happening.  Sign-up and receive all you need to get you through the monthly horrors.  If you check-out the BLOG tab at the top of their home page, there are other “Period Hacks”.    Even their tagline cracks me up:  HelloFlo: Tampon Delivery.  Period Simplicity. Hilarious!!

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“Say It Isn’t So”

While out on a Kijiji run this morning, I stopped in to visit a friend.  During our visit, she shared some sad news regarding a young boy (12ish, I think) named Justin.  Justin was recently diagnosed with a rare type of bone cancer that primarily strikes children.  Being a mom, it is always heart breaking to hear about a child fighting illness and especially something as severe as this and so close to home.

Ewing’s Sarcoma

Ewing Sarcoma is a primary bone cancer that accounts for only 1% of all childhood cancers.  This cancer originates in the bone and symptoms can include pain or swelling (generally in the leg, arm, chest, back or pelvis).  The swelling may feel warm to the touch and cause limited joint mobility.  An unexplainable fever may accompany the swelling.  The medical prognosis for this form of cancer is not good.  It is often “staged” based on whether the tumor is localized or has metastasized (spread to other organs).  Other factors that can affect the prognosis include the size and location of the tumor, as well as the age of the child.

Justin’s Journey

Justin’s mom Trish has started a blog called fightingforjustin.  She documents his journey through this horrible ordeal and how they are coping as a family.  She writes about how their nightmare began on June 15th, 2013 with an admission to Children’s Hospital for what they believed to be a case of pneumonia and how after many tests, the cancer diagnosis was received on June 28th.  My heart breaks as I read her posts and well-up with tears as I give thanks for the health and well-being of my own two children.

A Community Rallies For Justin

It is tough to see the silver lining in this tragedy, but in reading Trish’s blog you can see the love that is threaded through her posts, and the support that their community has given them is almost tangible.  Many initiatives have been put in place through both the town and their church family.  Children have being raising money for cancer through their “Juice for Justin” drive.  A special box called the “VICTORIOUS BOX” was delivered to the family and packed full of little inspiration gifts to lift Justin’s spirits.  The “Victorious Box” is based on this scripture:

Don’t be afraid for I am with you.  Don’t be discouraged for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. ~ Isaiah 41:10

A friend from their church family also began an “Orange Ribbon Campaign” in support of Justin.  Orange ribbons are springing up every where to encourage Justin in his fight. The town Youth Group. as well as friends and family members, are shaving their heads to honour him in his fight.

Let’s Support Justin

I don’t know the family personally, but I know that they would appreciate us praying for Justin.  Think of Justin, pray for him and his family and give thanks for your health and for the health of those you love.

I am not sure if there are donations formally being collected for the family or not, but check-out Trish’s blog or the Facebook page to stay up to date on Justin’s fight.

The Fight Against Cancer

In my little bit of research regarding Ewing’s Sarcoma, I came across a testimony from another mother, Karen, whose son was also diagnosed with this horrible disease.  In her testimony, she talks about how her son’s immune system became so compromised that it became essential for him to raise his glutathione levels in order to have the strength and ability to fight the disease.  This is an excerpt from her testimony.

….to understand what role glutathione plays in the cells: that it’s the “master antioxidant”, an immune system booster, and a detoxifier. He explained that Immunocal is a biologically active, undenatured whey protein isolate which supplies the body with the “precursors”, or building blocks, for the cells to make more of their own supply of this precious antioxidant. In the case of someone with cancer, the tumors themselves are very high in glutathione, which contributes to their rapid growth and explains why they are often resistant to even chemo and radiation. A very interesting thing happens, however, when a cancer patient eats Immunocal daily. The healthy cells INCREASE their supply of glutathione, while the tumor cells become DEPLETED in glutathione! This phenomenon is called “negative feedback inhibition”, and it is extremely useful for treating cancer. It was clear to me this was exactly what I had been looking for over the past 7 months — something non-toxic and natural to build Brian’s immune system and also protect his organs and blood supply while undergoing the rigors of chemo!

If you know someone who is currently fighting this horrible disease, I encourage you to do some research into this product and the incredible results that many cancer patients are having when they couple Immunocal with their prescribed medical therapy.  (Google Immunocal and type of cancer).

My thoughts and prayers are with Justin and his family.  Let the orange ribbons fly!


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“Hope” ~ The Secret Weapon to Success

I found this video this morning when I logged in and couldn’t help, but share. I know from my “Quest for 44 Acts Of Kindness” (see previous post) how great it feels to totally refrain from thinking about yourself and focus on others. I wonder if this awesome act of kindness is the seed of hope that this homeless man needed to put him back on track.  I personally believe that hope can be the difference between life and death.

Where there is no vision, people perish ~ Proverbes 29:18

The Seed of Hope

I was recently listening to Pastor Scott Anderson on my iPod and he said something that made perfect sense to me….”fear exists where there is no hope”.  He went on to talk about how people who complain are often those who are not taking steps to make changes in their lives.  Complaining often stems from a fear that a situation will not change and fear becomes more predominant when a situation seems hopeless.  The key is simply taking small steps.  Any step that moves you forward towards rectifying the situation will help to foster hope. You may not have a solution to the circumstances, but by taking action, you create hope and that is the key.  You need to have your sights on where you are going, but the path to get there does not have to be clear.  You can tweak and make changes as you go, but clarity will come as long as you are taking steps forward.  The example he gave was trying to hook-up his TV, DVD, speakers, cable, etc after moving.  He said it was a huge tangle of what looked like a hundred cords.  He looked at the heaping mess of cords and decided to call someone to come and install his devices for him, but would have to wait for several days.  Over the course of those days, he would look at the mess of cords and feel completely overwhelmed and thus do nothing.  Eventually, he became so frustrated with the waiting, that he began to work at the mess one cord at a time. He didn’t know where the cords were supposed to go, but through trial and error, he made it through the pile and was able to cancel the service call. At first, it seemed like a hopeless task and so he did nothing, but as he began to take steps towards sorting it out, answers and ideas came to him and cord by cord he was able to hook everything up properly.

How many of us in life have great ideas or aspirations, but they seem like nothing more than big dreams with no hope of achievement.  It is the fear of failure that keeps you where you are at and prevents you from breaking through and taking those first few steps.  Even when the path is unclear, hope is multiplied by the simple task of taking a few steps in the direction you want to go.  Action=Hope and together, they make the impossible seem less daunting and even possible.

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something.  But I can’t accept not trying. ~ Michael Jordan

What Are You Waiting For?

So many of us have given up on so many of our hopes and dreams by the time we reach 40, and just settle for “doing life”.  We go from day-to-day just getting “the job done”.  How many of you have something deep within you…a dream, a desire, a secret gift or maybe just a project that seems overwhelming.  The fear of failure exists because you have not yet taken any steps towards that dream.  Take at least one small step today and begin to transform that dream into hope.  The change in attitude that comes with hope can be exhilarating in itself.  Remember life is a journey. You will never look back and say “I am so glad that I never took risks or chased my dreams, and just played life safe.”  If you aren’t inspired yet, take the time to watch this inspiration video of a man who simply would not give up on his dream.

Life’s a Dance

This post made me think of one of my all time favourite songs. Remember you don’t have to have it all figured out right now, just start. The only sure way to fail, is to never to have started in the first place!

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My Favourite Breakfast: Homemade Flax Granola

I am so hooked on my Flax Granola and can hardly believe that I had to choke it down when I first got the recipe in May.  The recipe is from Lyn-Genet’s book The Plan.  The flax granola itself does not have much flavour, but by the time I load it up, it is yummy and very enjoyable.  It is super easy to make and an absolute staple in my diet. I do try to change-up my breakfasts because I feel that it is important to do so, so I tend to switch it up with an omelette a few times per week.  After the initial 20 days on The Plan, Lyn suggests only having the flax granola twice per week.  I must say that I generally have it at least 3 – 4 times per week, so I guess I should cut back. I haven’t “tested” oatmeal yet, but will definitely do so to see if porridge might be another suitable breakfast option for me during the cold winter months.

Homemade Flax Granola Recipe

1 cup whole flax seeds
1/2 cup water
Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves to taste (I use a very generous amount of all the seasonings).
Raisins, almonds, walnuts, dried cranberries, etc. to taste.
1 teaspoon vanilla (optional, but I use it)

Mix the flax seeds with the water and seasonings.  Refrigerate overnight.  Remove from the fridge and spread in a thin layer on a baking sheet and bake at 275 degrees for 1 hour.  (I line my baking sheet with parchment paper to avoid sticking).  Stir every 20 minutes.  Optional:  Add the fruits and nuts during the last 10 minutes.

flax granola

When I make this, I use all of the recommended seasonings and the vanilla, but do not add any nuts or berries.  However, when I eat the granola for breakfast, I top it with fruit and nuts.  This is my favourite combo:

1 cup of flax granola
1/2 a chopped apple
chopped raw almonds
cinnamon sprinkled on top (generous amount)
Rice Dream in lieu of milk
At times,  I have even microwaved the flax a bit and served the granola warm….mmm.

flax granola with apple

The Facts About Flax

flax seeds Flax seeds offer many health benefits.  They are high in Omega-3’s, calcium, and protein.  I cup of flax seeds has 40 grams of protein.  They also contain mucilage which supports digestion and helps to give your intestines a “clean sweep”.  Lyn mentions the importance of using flax seeds over ground flax.  Eating whole flax seeds help to cut down on the risk of absorption of the estrogenic properties present in flax.  Flax has been shown to benefit cardiovascular health and there is evidence that it offers anti-inflammatory benefits as well.  Due to the anti-inflammatory benefits, flax can also be considered a possibility for helping to reduce the risks of cancer and other inflammatory conditions.


Farmland Flax Cookies

flax cookies

A colleague made these flax cookies a few years ago and shared the recipe.  They were very good, but I have not yet made them myself.  Here is the link to the recipe.



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Dinner Out with Lamb-burg-ini

Well, summer camp week has come to an end and I am off to pick-up the kids today. Can’t wait to see them.  The weather has not been great here, so I hope they had a good time and didn’t get too much rain at camp.  As usual, my “to do” list is far from done, but I did manage to get through many things on my list.  This year I was bound and determined to take some time away from giant list of projects and spend a nice evening out with my husband.

The Decision

We contemplated trying something new as there are so many great restaurants in town, but we decided to go back to afude place we know and love.  The regular menu at Fude offers a great selection, but they also offer a feature menu that is always incredible.  The food they serve is very unique and often a mixture of unexpected flavours and combinations.  Much of the menu consists of “Manitoba grown ” food and they offer a “Love at First Bite” guarantee.  The service is always excellent and if the owner is there, he will often come out and give you a personal welcome.  We are never disappointed when we go there, but we decided to go the website to check out the current features just to confirm our decision.  I immediately made a reservation when I saw that they were serving lamb burgers.  Here is a screen shot of the feature menu and a description of the lamb burgers.

Screen shot 2013-07-26 at 10.05.58 AM

What’s The Big Deal With Lamb?

Well, as all of my readers know, I have been following Lyn-Genet Recitas book The Plan as a guide to healthy eating for about 2 1/2 months now.  I have been extremely pleased with the results and for the first time ever, I feel completely in charge of my own body.  I am still learning what foods are reactive and which are friendly through continued controlled exposure to new foods which expand my menu of friendly items.  What I love is that I already have an extensive list of “go to foods” which have tested “friendly” and are easily digested by my body.  Whenever I do indulge (eat a proven reactive food, try something new as a test or when eating out),  I can immediately follow with a friendly day and get right back on track.  So, how do lamb burgers fit into all of this?  Well, the premise of The Plan is to discover what works well for you specifically.  It is not about good or bad foods, but about how you react to specific foods in your diet.  Which foods cause an inflammatory response in your body and thus cause weight gain? (A reactive food can cause weight gain ranging from half a pound (for a moderate response) to few pounds for a food that you are wildly reactive to.)  Basically, everything is a test. I tend to test the foods that I love the most, so that I can discover how my body reacts with them.  I have eaten very little lamb in my life, but many years ago I did the “Eat Right For Your Blood Type” plan and it suggested lamb was highly beneficial for my type AB blood type.  At that time, the internet was not used as tool for finding great recipes and although I did eat some lamb during that time, I really never had a great recipe to work with.  In Lyn’s book,  she talks about what a great dense protein lamb is and Chai Cheesecakehow easily digested it is by most people.  In her list of reactive foods, she has found that 10% or less of her clients have reacted to lamb. She even suggests that you should be able to tolerate lamb up to three times per week.  (Most people who test “friendly” to beef, are still only able to tolerate it once a week or it sets off an inflammatory response in their body). She also says that ground lamb is less “gamy” tasting that other cuts of the meat. I had not yet had a chance to test lamb and although I knew that dinner out would not be a valid test (because of exposure to so many other foods at the same time), I was excited to try a lamb burger.  The burger was juicy and delicious with the perfect amount of seasoning. I can’t wait to make my own!

Of course, I did not limit myself to the lamb-burg-ini.  Tim and I shared an appetizer ~ baked brie with rhubarb chutney ….mmmm!  I had the burger and Tim enjoyed elk tenderloin for his main entrée.  For dessert, we didn’t share.  Not a chance.  I had a hot rhubarb crumble with vanilla bean ice cream and Tim had their signature Die By Chai Cheesecake.  The meal was incredible and we enjoyed a great evening out together!

Nutritional Value of Lamb

Like beef, it is ideal if you can get grass-fed lamb.  There is in excellent article put out by whfoods.com which outlines the nutritional components of grass-fed lamb in detail, but here are a few highlights from it:

  • great source of Omega-3
  • good source of Vitamin B12 and other B vitamins as well as niacin
  • contains selenium and zinc
  • conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which reduces inflammation
  • great source of protein (60% of daily requirement)
  • rich in iron

lamb nutrients

What Health Benefits Might Grass-Fed Lamb Provide?

  • beneficial in general heart health and cardiovascular disease
  • helps in blood sugar regulation
  • niacin (aids in protection against Alzheimer’s and osteoarthritis and helps promote healthy skin)
  • B12 is important for brain functioning and supports the nervous system
  • zinc is important for general growth, cell development, healing and the immune system
  • easily digested by most people
Homemade Lamb Burgers

I must confess that I have not yet tried this recipe, but it is from “The Plan” and Lyn says that many of her clients claim it as one of their favourites.    Here it is:

1 lb. ground lamb
1 zucchini, grated
4 to 5 shiitake mushrooms, chopped
Herbs and spices of choice (Italian, Herbes de Provence, cumin, turmeric, fresh ground pepper, Sriricha, etc)

Combine all ingredients, form into 4 patties, and pan sear to medium rare for 6 to 8 minutes.

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The Power of Water

I saw this cool video this morning and it made me think of how important water is to our overall health and wellness.  Check out this song with all of the sounds and music made entirely out of water.  Very cool!

The Importance of Water

Our bodies are literally made of water.  50 to 65% of an adult body is composed of water, so it is no wonder that is vital to our health and well-being.

Water is needed for every metabolic and cellular function in your body.

This quote was taken from Lyn-Genet Recitas’s book The Plan. In her book she talks about how low water intake forces your body to extract water from food and your body then holds onto water in your cells in the form of a reservoir.  Ifunctions of watert takes a lot of energy to do this.  When your body is forced to use this energy for water extraction, your body may not have the stamina to keep your body healthy and/or repair tissue damage.  This often leaves you feeling tired.  When you drink an appropriate amount of water in a day (half your body weight in ounces), your body is free to release the water in your cells and tissues.  This is extremely important if you are attempting to lose weight.  Water intake that is too low can show up as weight gain on the scale.  Lyn suggests that 2 glasses of water less than your ideal consumption level can force your body to hold onto up to half a pound. Depriving your body of water can also cause an inflammatory response.  For some people fighting weigh loss, simply following this formula for water intake can make a dramatic difference. Ensure you are properly hydrated every day.

In Dr. Batmanghelidj book called Your Body’s Many Cries For Water, he talks about the many wonders of water and uses the tag line:

You’re not sick, you’re thirsty.  Don’t treat thirst with medication.

Water Book



On his website, he discusses ailments and diseases such as angina, arthritis, asthma, autoimmune diseases, back pain, colitis, diabetes, heartburn, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, pain and migraines.  If you suffer from any of these conditions it is worth checking out his website to see what he says regarding water consumption and dehydration.  The section on autoimmune diseases is particularly interesting.

A Water Testimony

Of course, I don’t know if all of this is true, it is merely what Dr. Batmanghelidj’s research and experience have revealed to him.  What I do know, is that water proved stronger and better than any medication on the market for my own mother.  Back in the late 80’s (I think), Oprah did a show all about water and how miraculous it was.  I was already living on my own away from home, but immediately called my mom to tell her about the show.  One of the claims on the show was how water helped with migraines.  (Today, we are all much better educated and know that dehydration causes headaches, but back then it really wasn’t as well understood.)

My entire childhood, I had watched my mom suffer with the debilitating pain of migraine headaches.  I don’t remember details well, but what I do know is that she seemed to be sick often and when a migraine struck she would be bed ridden for days and usually throwing up with the severity of the pain.  I remember always thinking of my mom as a “sickly person”.  She had medication for her headaches (222 Pain Killers with Codeine), but the headaches were not prevented and still lasted about 3 days.  I can remember her saying that if she could “catch it” and take the medication fast enough, the headache might not progress and be so extreme.  I guess the pills must have helped with the symptoms and pain somewhat or she wouldn’t have taken them.

I had always been concerned about my mom and her headaches, so I was excited to share the news that water might be the solution to her health issues.  Water was cheap and it was certainly an easy solution worth trying. She immediately began to drink one “pint” of water per hour throughout the day.  (She was a little heavier set, so I am not sure if this would have been similar to half her body weight or not?)  She would also get up to go to the washroom once during the night.  I remember her telling me that she would do a few stretches and shrugs just to loosen her muscles and any neck tension while on route to the bathroom down the hall.  She would also have one pint of water during her bathroom break.

The results were amazing!  She went from regular migraines to no more than a couple per year.  The water intake totally rectified whatever imbalance there had previously been in her body.  That Oprah show on water literally changed my mom’s life.

Other Benefits to Drinking Water

Although the list of pros for drinking ample water seems to be endless, here are a few other good reasons to consume appropriate levels on a daily basis:

  • Water aids in digestion and helps lessen constipation 
  • Water can contribute to making you look younger, but keeping your skin hydrated and much healthier looking.
  • Water energizes our bodies and muscles.
  • Water helps curb hunger and control calorie intake.
  • Water is great for lubricating the joints.
  • Water can boost your mood and your brain power.
  • “Hot lemon water first thing in the morning can help reduce bacteria that causes acne. ” (according to Skincare specialist Rouleau)
  • Water helps to flush your system of toxins.

Can You Drink Too Much Water?

The answer is yes.  In fact, drinking too much water can cause adverse health effects as well.  Robin, at thankyourbody.com wrote an interesting article regarding drinking too much water.  Some of the information she shares contradicts what I have said above, specifically regarding the amount of water one should consume in a day.  She mentions some of the signs to look for if you may be drinking too much water and she also lists some of the side effects.  Robin covers water intoxication, which is more of an extreme condition caused by overloading your system with water.  Below are some of the problems that you might notice if you are drinking too much water.

Drinking too much water can lead to:

  • Decreased metabolism
  • Decreased mental clarity
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Cold hands/feet
  • Decreased emotional well-being
Water Summary

I think we can all agree that water is essential to our overall health and well-being.  How much water you consume may vary from person to person and you really have to discover what is right for you.  If you are very active or working out, you will need to increase your water intake.  Other things to consider are consumption of alcohol or coffee, both of which deplete your system of water and therefore you may need to compensate with additional water.  Discover what works for you, but don’t ever underestimate the power of water!

My sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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Summer Camp ~ The Ultimate Score!

I personally can not say enough about summer camp.  My eldest is 11 1/2 and my husband and I have never had even one weekend away without our children.  Unlike many of our friends, we just don’t have the support to be able to get away.  We certainly have friends that have taken both kids for one night once or twice per year, and for that we are very thankful, but we have never had the opportunity for the two of us to get away for a few days, let alone a week.  Fortunately, we came up with an awesome solution last summer.  For the first time ever, both of our children attended a 5 night summer bible camp.  Yahoo!  Unfortunately, when you have 10 1/2 years of virtually no time without kids, you really don’t know where to start.  Last year, my husband took holidays while the kids were away at summer camp, and we literally worked around the clock trying to get as many projects done around the house as possible, without interruption or concern we might be deemed neglectful parents.  This year, my husband is working for the first 3 days and my goal is that we’ll have a bit more fun than last year.  We’ll try to squeeze in at least one date (if not two) and just enjoy some real quality time, in amongst my lengthy list of “to do’s”.

Top 10 Reasons to Send Your Kids to Summer Camp

10. I can write my blog without negotiating my computer time with my 9 year old!

9.  I can cook what I want, when I want without any complaining ~ or maybe not cook at all!

8. I can have a clean house for a whole week and not have to pick-up after anyone but me!

7. There will only be dirty clothes in the laundry basket this week!  (My daughter’s idea of cleaning up is throwing everything in the laundry basket regardless of whether it has been worn or not.)

6. The kids get ample exercise and are totally immersed in nature.

5. I can be about 400% more productive than in a typical summer week ~  “To do” list here I come!!

4.  No sibling fights to referee.

3.  Mom and Dad get to have uninterrupted conversations, dates with no sitters needed and eat at a restaurant of our choice!

2.  The kid’s are immersed in one full week of biblical teaching and age appropriate activities, in a safe and caring environment!

1.  And the #1 Reason to send your kids to summer camp is for a good old dose of Digital Detox ~  5 days without having to monitor content and their time spent on devices ~ they are completely unplugged for 5 days.  Yay!!

Other Benefits of Summer Camp

Summer camp can be a great way for your child to develop self-esteem by being given opportunities to explore new activities and discover new personal interests, gifts and abilities.

It is a great way to help foster independence and develop a stronger sense of responsibility.  The children are expected to care for their belongings and share in the task of keeping their cabin clean as well as doing dishes and other jobs throughout the week.  For some children, being away from home is difficult, but what a great way to build up that confidence and independence, with a group of supportive peers who can relate to what they may be feeling.

In a world that is consumed with technology, summer camp offers a fabulous venue for reinforcing their social skills.  They will have ample opportunity to practise using the manners they’ve been taught at home without a hovering parent to remind them.  Camp also offers a unique platform for bonding with peers and building lifelong friendships. The children will engage in digital-free, real conversations with their counsellors and peers, something so simple, yet so absent amongst many youth today.

Summer camp provides a variety of possibilities for children to engage in active outdoor play, which for many of today’s children is a rarity. There are ample options to explore the outdoors and many exciting adventures to be had.

Being immersed in nature also gives kids a chance to learn about their environment and gain an awareness and respect for the world in which we live.

Summer camp is great fun and leaves a lasting impression on kids.  Last year, our kids talked about their summer camp experience for months.  From pudding fights to drama productions to the songs they learned.  Remember….”laughter doeth good like a medicine.”  Friendships created, laughter shared and memories made, that is really what summer camp is all about!

Some summer camps offer biblical teaching ,as well as reinforcement of good values, citizenship and morals.

Summer Camp as a Combatant to Nature Deficit Disorder

This quote was taken from The Telegraph, a British publication, but I am sure that the stats are much the same in Canada and the United States.

By the age of seven, a child born in Britain today will have spent an entire year (8,766 hours) of their lives looking at TV, computer and game console screens.

This stat is alarming and yet sadly, not surprising.  As an early years teacher, I can say that I have seen first hand the changing trends in our children. I see an increasing number of children entering school with delays in their speech and language skills, limited fine motor skills and difficulties attending during class time.  Summer camp is the perfect method for getting kids outside and away from television, iPods, iPhones, computers, iPads, and video games. It reconnects them with nature and stimulates the concrete building of human relationships.

last child in the woods

In his book, Last Child in the Woods:  Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder, Richard Louv, focuses on the negative trends effecting our children and the impact that technology is having on their lives and development.

Richard Louv directly links the lack of nature in the lives of today’s wired generation—he calls it nature-deficit—to some of the most disturbing childhood trends, such as the rises in obesity, attention disorders, and depression.

We can not step back in time and remove technology, we all depend on it in one way or another and it has become vital to our existence in today’s world.  However, as parents and care givers, we need to consciously figure out a way to weave it into life at home, so that the use of technology does not come at the expense of other vital areas of child developement.  We must be diligent in making sure that technology is used as a tool and not a teacher.  Kids must have a balance in their lives with ample time for verbal interaction and conversation, experimenting with writing/drawing tools and time outside.  Playing outside stimulates creativity, problem solving skills and improves general health and fitness.  So get outside and play, go on a family camping trip and send your kids to summer camp!


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