As mentioned in a previous post, the lush green vine that completely encompasses our fence is quite lovely, but also over powering. This spring, I decided that we needed to break-up the vine/green with some yard decor. There were hardly any stores open at that point (due to Covid), so I decided to look through what we already had on hand. Some of the items were set to be listed on Kijiji while others were awaiting projects or their final resting place in the landfill. Amongst our stash, I found the old spindles from our stair case make over last summer. As I walked past them, I was immediately struck with an idea! (My husband has grown to hate when that happens because my ideas often involve him!)
What I saw was the angle on the top of the posts…why not flip one post so that the tip of the angles met to create a peak…like on the top of a picket fence?You can see that just by flipping the post, the fence top was automatically created!I had my husband screw the posts together.He then added two braces across to finish the fence off. You can see this didn’t cost us a penny as it was all scrap wood!Here is a before shot. It was still quite early in the spring, so the vine wasn’t as lush and full as it is later in the season. Tim actually liked the idea so much, he even painted it for me. I added this old mailbox that I had previously painted daisies on, for added interest. This photo was taken the day we set it up. Now we have to work hard to keep the vine from completely hiding it as well!This shot was taken just after I had pruned back some of the vine! I like how the picket fence is mostly hidden and just peaks through to break up the green wall!
I love this upcycle project! It was relatively simple to do and I am quite pleased with the result! In the end, this didn’t end up being my project at all as my hubby did the whole thing…I guess you could just say I was the brains behind it!
About Cindy RoyI’m a busy mother, wife and kindergarten teacher. I have a huge list of loves! I love my family, The Source Church, old houses, “up-cycling”, DIY projects, scrapbooking, volleyball, interior design, cake decorating, party planning, healthy eating, and last, but certainly not least…gift wrapping! I just launched my brand new Youtube channel and am super excited to share BOWhemian WRAPsody with my followers. My channel is dedicated to all things relating to gift wrapping and creating beautiful eye catching presents…its all in the PRESENTation! I’m very organized and reflective, and am continually striving to do life more lovingly, passionately, effectively and successfully.
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