Shell Busey’s Homemade Weed Killer

DIY weed killerSeveral years ago, I came across this recipe for a homemade weed killer. It was shared by Shell Busey. I love the fact that it doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals, so I don’t have to worry about it being harmful for small children or the neighbourhood pets that like to frequent our yard. The only caution with this mixture is that it will kill your grass and flowers if you spray it on them by accident. He suggests only using this to kill the weeds that may crop up on your driveway, sidewalk or through ground cover.

Shell Busey’s Homemade Weed Killer Recipe:

Mix the following ingredients together:

  • 4 cups of white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup of table salt
  • 2 tsp of liquid dish soap

Pour this mixture into a spray bottle and spray it on your weeds when it is sunny and hot out.



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About Cindy RoyI’m a busy mother, wife and kindergarten teacher. I have a huge list of loves! I love my family, The Source Church, old houses, “up-cycling”, DIY projects, scrapbooking, volleyball, interior design, cake decorating, party planning, healthy eating, and last, but certainly not least…gift wrapping! I just launched my brand new Youtube channel and am super excited to share BOWhemian WRAPsody with my followers. My channel is dedicated to all things relating to gift wrapping and creating beautiful eye catching presents…its all in the PRESENTation! I’m very organized and reflective, and am continually striving to do life more lovingly, passionately, effectively and successfully.

One thought on “Shell Busey’s Homemade Weed Killer

  1. Our whole family are such environmentalists that I know this will be embraced by all. And it’s such a simple recipe to make. Thank you for this.

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